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Pet Peeves.

I heard on the news the other day about a town in MA (may have even been Boston area) that requires owners to shovel the sidewalk in front of their house or else they get fined.
That blew my frickin mind!!
My city considers the sidewalk part of city property, just like the street, so they plow the sidewalks.
(although I'm sure rouar will come in and point out multiple sidewalks that haven't been plowed in his area. heh)
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thats interesting. I always thought it was the responcibility of the owner of the property that the side walk is on to clear it. I normally see people clearing those sidewalks. Sure the town gets the sidewalks that are strictly on town property.
blah - I fail.
I cannot find any Manchester ordinance nor NH state statute that details who is responsible for snow removal from sidewalks (whether provided as a city service or responsibility of property owners). All I can find is Ordinance code Title VII, Ch 71, section 70.61-70.65 which were all repealed in 2005, and Ch 71 section 97.03 which says people can't put snow *onto* sidewalks. As far as I can tell, snow doesn't need to be removed. :shrug:

Many MA towns and cities require the property owner to remove snow. The big deal in the news is that some cities, for example Worcester, are considering raising the fines against those property owners who do not do so.
technically, in NY the city owns 10 feet in from the curb. however, the owner of said property is responsible for the sidewalk in front of their house.

as far as i know you can get a fine for not clearing it...but sanitation is working an effed up schedule now because of the holiday.

not like i would rat him out anyway...
I don't know about you guys, but here in the Toronto area and Ontario in general, if somebody is injured as a result of a slippery sidewalk (the one on "your" property) you are liable for damages.

Store owners are required by law to clean they're store fronts of snow, ice or debris.

Talking about pet peeves, I freakin' hate when I clean my driveway snow free and then the plow comes to clear the road and builds an ice mountain on the roadside part of the driveway.:nonono::nonono: assholes
thats interesting. I always thought it was the responcibility of the owner of the property that the side walk is on to clear it. I normally see people clearing those sidewalks. Sure the town gets the sidewalks that are strictly on town property.

that's how it is here...I believe you have to clear the sidewalk in front of your house within 48 hours of a snow or you might get fined by the township...usually what happens is a neighbor calls to report you...

my pet peeve, annoying and intrusive neighbors...
unless you have a corner lot with no side walk. when the snow plow cuts the corner and destroys the grass that causes hours of labor to fix it next year.

I also hate it when snow plow man hit the mailbox and doesnt knock it over... but just tips it. again causing more hours of labor to fit it. My dad finally bought a 10ft granite post and i had to dig a 5.5ft hole in the ground for the post to fit. UGH. the plow got a nice dent in it last time it hit our post.
I heard on the news the other day about a town in MA (may have even been Boston area) that requires owners to shovel the sidewalk in front of their house or else they get fined.
That blew my frickin mind!!
My city considers the sidewalk part of city property, just like the street, so they plow the sidewalks.
(although I'm sure rouar will come in and point out multiple sidewalks that haven't been plowed in his area. heh)

The City owns the sidewalks in Bethlehem but it is the property owner's responsibility to clear the snow/ice from them. You have 24 hours after the storm to clear them or you can be fined.

The only sidewalks the city will maintain are the ones that are part of "their" property. For example; in front of the city pools, parks, city hall and any maintenance buildings.

Royalblue: Yeah, it is weird. I thought it would be gross but it's not that bad, just a faint taste of maple. I don't like my food touching on the plate either. My husband always jokes that he's going to buy some of those plates that have the separation on them. :laugh:
I really hate when there is crunchy stuff on top of food. Like mac and cheese, the homemade kind, with bread crumbs on top.... gross!

CRGcart33: $100 for a hair cut!! :shocked: That's :crazy:!

Paul: Two words for you... road trip. :)
man clearing the sidewalk is bull:censored::censored::censored::censored: - that's become my new pet peeve then.
I'm gonna keep that in mind in case I move somewhere. eff that! :p
Royalblue: Yeah, it is weird. I thought it would be gross but it's not that bad, just a faint taste of maple. I don't like my food touching on the plate either. My husband always jokes that he's going to buy some of those plates that have the separation on them. :laugh:
I really hate when there is crunchy stuff on top of food. Like mac and cheese, the homemade kind, with bread crumbs on top.... gross!

Haha, F the blowgun, as fun as it is, I'd probably be more inclined to bring up my CCw/new toy.

And poison darts are fun, but I prefer these.

EDIT: Mmmmm, flying ashtrays.

this is what my dad has in the safe for me. cant wait untill i get me handgun permit. Effin NYS laws. i was shooting handguns at 8yrs old in GA and FL. shot my first magnum at like 12. which brings me to another pet peeve... NYS LAWS ARE(mostly) RETARDED
people who don't train their dogs properly. i hate trying to walk my dog when some other douche is coming the same way with 2 beasts that are plain and simple going crazy at the sight of another dog. like wtf seriously?

all it does it get my dog all frazzled and not focused on what she should be doing (taking a dump) thus leaving me freezing my ass off outside in the cold.

not to mention it's usually some sort of large type dog. today it was a boxer and some sort of black lab or something. they did not look friendly. literally jumping up and snarling looking for a fight. leaving the guy begging for them to stop. meanwhile, if those leashes break i've got a problem on my hands.

so yeah, i hate ppl who don't train their dogs...
yeah, i've seen it. good south park episode too. the guy definitely has a method, but, he's not the only person that can train a dog. it's not rocket science. i've had dogs all my live including one that was very mischievous as a puppy and they all worked out to be normal dogs.