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Ready for the snow?

HOW did you do that in only 2 hours with A SHOVEL???
you're some kind of bionic man

Haha. I honestly didn't think I'd be able to do it by myself, period. Nevermind 2 hours time. I just keep pushing to keep going. The worst part about it was that all the snow had to go over the Mystique to the right side of the driveway. There's no space on the left for snow. I was launching every shovel full of snow up in the air over the Mystique.
i hope the reason you cleared it is only because your bro went back to school...
was anyone able to come and go from the house before you cleared it?
i hope the reason you cleared it is only because your bro went back to school...
was anyone able to come and go from the house before you cleared it?

Yeah, I told my mom for weeks to get my brother to clear his car and the top of the driveway. He always said no, or he'd do it later. Now he's back at school and I come over and find that f*ckin mess.

The rest of the driveway was cleared but the top was slowly closing in. My stepfather just pushes the snow off his car towards the Mystique or off the front of the hood towards the garage. You couldn't get into his car from the passenger side. He just jumps in the drivers side and parks in the same little square every day.

My mom can't do anything like that because of a back injury and she's waiting on the surgery to happen. My stepfather does EVERYTHING halfway around the house and my brother just wouldn't touch it.

I honestly did it because I have one of my cars in storage in the garage there. It's parked in front of the Mystique so if that doesn't get cleared, I'm not getting the car out until June when it's melted.
wow - that's ridiculous!
I was in Worcester last night and noticed the high snowbanks. One of my friends got her car stuck trying to turn around in a driveway, and I parked a block away because the snowbanks prevented street parking. I can only imagine what you guys have down in CT, since you've gotten hit even harder.
wow - that's ridiculous!
I was in Worcester last night and noticed the high snowbanks. One of my friends got her car stuck trying to turn around in a driveway, and I parked a block away because the snowbanks prevented street parking. I can only imagine what you guys have down in CT, since you've gotten hit even harder.

The snowbanks here are just insane. I can't pull out of a street, driveway, or parking lot without having my view blocked by a snow bank. Towns are trucking snow out of street corners and parking lots because there is nowhere left to put it. Sandra had to get out of the car and guide me out into the street when I left my moms. I literally saw NOTHING for cars going by.

It was nice to see some snow melting over the weekend but more is coming tomorrow. :mad:

Ugggg im am sooo sick of the snow. Its getting to the point when I am actually considering buying a truck or wrx. WTH nature, you havent dumped on us enough ?
its coming down pretty good up in Merrimack and Jess called me on her way to work and said that the plows are not out and its almost white out conditions.
ugh im so sick of the snow, i work outdoors (framing houses) and i havnt had a full work week in what feels like 2 months. that and the fact that the bimmer sucks in the snow... the csvt was far superior:cry: come on summer already!
Jess brought Jillian outside to play in the snow....not a chance of her playing on those snowbanks...
