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Started project free SVT today....

We already know i'll go fast, might as well look good doing it. :laugh:

In all honesty with as far as i've decided to push this car in regards to one off fab/design/tech it really is going to be a representation of PRT as a company and it's abilities. Something i will truly be proud to have built. I want it to look good weather it needs to or not. As much as this car is going to be a toy for me, it's also going to be one hell of a promotions vehicle and I'm hoping :fingers crossed: that it will provide me the boost that i need to take PRT to the next level and start pushing closer and closer to making this hobby my job. :cool:

Do you have any job applications, I'd like to apply...
Josh I completely agree with you. I know that my car and aircougars cougar when done will be a great representation of what we can do and do for the contour/cougar community.
We already know i'll go fast, might as well look good doing it. :laugh:

In all honesty with as far as i've decided to push this car in regards to one off fab/design/tech it really is going to be a representation of PRT as a company and it's abilities. Something i will truly be proud to have built. I want it to look good weather it needs to or not. As much as this car is going to be a toy for me, it's also going to be one hell of a promotions vehicle and I'm hoping :fingers crossed: that it will provide me the boost that i need to take PRT to the next level and start pushing closer and closer to making this hobby my job. :cool:

If you plan on going as far in the fabrication/design of new parts as you say you are that alone will speak volumes for your abilities. Which in turn will hopefully give you the word of mouth to get your company on its feet. Which at that point and even before then I'd start looking into diversifying in different car platforms.
The CDW27 platform is far too small and will only hold you and your plans back on becoming a player. I wish you the best of luck and like always I'm here for any fabrication,welding, or machining questions. If I don't have the answer your'e looking for I know people that do.
Making hobbies, jobs is fun.... I thought about buying/renting a bigger shop to take on some full time powder coating.
The only problem is, the bigger you get, the bigger your overhead is IE shop/heat/tools/electricity/etc.... that will probably keep me a small timer, why change a good thing that supports at least my car spending habits :shrug:.
All the big powder coating places around here are SLOW because they charge a $250 minimum :nonono:.
at that point and even before then I'd start looking into diversifying in different car platforms.

The nice thing right now is a lot of the people i've met through CEG are now moving on to new rides...

In addition to Contours/Cougars I now have potential access to:

BP's 06 Duratec Mazda6

NEWSVT's 04 Focus SVT (which we're already discussing making my brake conversion fit)

Kevin's Evo

Hector's Speed3

A nice additional benefit is that the company i work for now has full machine and CNC abilities, that they encourage employees to use at their leisure for personal projects off the clock.
Josh, if you do start to make this your job then you should try to make a name for yourself over at the locost forums. since the cars are all built from scratch there is lots of one-off parts that people need done.
Blu is right about the overhead when you first get on the ground, but once you get going, it shouldn't be an issue. Josh, you have the right idea, because a company doesn't get anywhere without a decent marketing effort. You don't always need a flashy design to market your company or services, but on the other hand, you do need to grab their attention and get potential customers interested. I think with the mods you have in progress, that will be an attention getter, even for people with platforms you currently do not cater to. This may broaden your horizons even more. I have to say that the color scheme is unique and has some potential depending on how you do it up. I'm just hoping for your sake people don't think it's too drab, because thats kinda the first impression I got. Then again, the car is not done yet, so I will reserve further judgement until after it is complete. :cool:
If you plan on going as far in the fabrication/design of new parts as you say you are that alone will speak volumes for your abilities. Which in turn will hopefully give you the word of mouth to get your company on its feet. Which at that point and even before then I'd start looking into diversifying in different car platforms.
The CDW27 platform is far too small and will only hold you and your plans back on becoming a player. I wish you the best of luck and like always I'm here for any fabrication,welding, or machining questions. If I don't have the answer your'e looking for I know people that do.

I agree completely with Mr. Moto... Dont spend too much time and money into a platform thats dead.. Cougar and Contour have been off the market long long ago and building a large aftermarket for it wont yield the types of profits you would need.

On one hand its kinda nice as there isnt someone to compete with but I find it really hard for you to be able to make a living off of just the CDW27 or the people that own those platforms.

I know you guys love your cars but spending more on what the car is worth via bluebook to make it a better car than it came isnt something to bank on.

Why spend 8-10 grand to cross your fingers and hope you can get to 300hp without something breaking when you can just buy a different car stock or almost stock capable of making that, more or even heaven forbid more than what the drivetrain can handle.

Just my 2cents seeing as how I cant take back the amount of wasted cash I spent years on end with both my Cougar and multiple Contours.
did you even put any go fast mods into your Cougar? i thought it was merely a show car.

some small go fast were in the car but the remaining ones were sold off after I sold the car to Predator... I offered him an amazing package deal but he just wanted the car as it was

(New Tranny/Engine/Clutch/Headers etc all sold after the car was gone to multiple people)

I lost interest in the build before we finished anything, it would have been pretty decent had all the swaps gone the way we planned but at this point I'm glad we didnt waste any more manhours on that car.
The intention was never to completely support a company on CDW-27's...

My plans go WAY beyond contours.

I assumed that, but thats all you do now is it not? I understand your passion for tours, I once had it and occasionally think about my old car and the plans I had for it. I still have half finished parts for it laying around. There might even be some laying on my old workbench at my last job. I'm not trying to be the thorn in your ass, but how much time and energy on tours til it's time to move on? I understand a man can always have a car they loved(theres been too many for me) Strictly from an economic standpoint the CDW27 community is not one to support oneself on.

Like Crispy said you dump so much time,money and energy into a car get say 300hp and have it handling great. Then some shmoe in an 88 CRX walks your ass on a roadcourse. These platforms have potential and Mumm showed what they really where capable of...well at least when he could keep a tranny together. He also told me what advantages his cougar was allowed so he might be able to compete. The man has skills and it showed in the car, but the car couldn't hold up its end of the deal. He moved back to spec cars and is winning from what i last read of him.

Not really sure why I'm saying all this...maybe its because I'd still like to make a rwd tour and smoke everybody with ease.
The principles of what I'm doing here can be applied to any platform. I'm working with the CDW-27 because I have 4 of the damn things and another whole one in parts to prototype with. The designs/concepts can be easily transferred and modified to work on other(newer) platforms that have a more extensive network of owners. I haven't spent enough to feel that I've wasted any money on any of the cars outside of maybe the T-red which is now becoming more of an asset than ever before because its' allowing me to work on another one-off project.

Keep in mind through all of this. I could(and can) be doing this with any vehicle, i have contours sitting around, so I'm working with them. If an CRX smokes my ass, that's awesome. But that guy just might see something in the work I've done, and then i might be building CRXs. Who knows.

I understand what you are all saying, but you must realize I'm not in a financial situation to go buy newer vehicles to play around with. Now fortunately other people that i know, are in that situation, and through them i'm now able to expand my operations. :cool:
The important thing to realize is that yeah you have a dykeload of CDW's and you can run exercises and prototypes out of your ass to learn... But at some point you need to move to the new chassis or your practice and prototyping is pointless.
at some point you need to move to the new chassis

Have we completly missed the fact that i've stated several times that this is exactly what i'm doing....seriously...maybe it's because i'm drunk but i'm tired of hearing the same damn thing stated my 14 different people. I GET IT AND I'M WORKING ON IT! :shrug:

Back to the project at hand....jesus h christ....
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The project looks and sounds great. I love the army theme you've adopted for this project car.

As far as parts....make me an affordable TMIC!:laugh: In all seriousness...he has tinkered with my stock MM, and may again in the near future.:cool:
Have we completly missed the fact that i've stated several times that this is exactly what i'm doing....seriously...maybe it's because i'm drunk but i'm tired of hearing the same damn thing stated my 14 different people. I GET IT AND I'M WORKING ON IT! :shrug:

Back to the project at hand....jesus h christ....

If you cry a little harder you'll shave a tenth off your lap time due to weight reduction.

I chimed in my opinion - I didn't give a :censored::censored::censored::censored: enough to read all the other posts.