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Carlisle 2010 discussion

Bad news... My car will definitely not be at Carlisle this year. I don't have the funds to fix the door and I'm not showing the car with a dented door. I may get it fixed this summer but definitely not by May.

However, I would still like to go and so would my brother. So perhaps we can camp out and bum rides into the fairgrounds. I don't mind paying to get in to the fairgrounds if we have to but I'd rather not have to park in someones front yard.
I think show admission includes driver + guest, so if someone is showing their car solo, they could include you as their guest and save you some moolah.
AW :censored:

I just realized that the AFN is the same weekend of this big young adult (people in their 20's & 30's) conference at my church. I got us the gig of opening for the artist that we're bringing in for a concert as part of that event.

So I hate to say this, but I definitely won't be making it to Carlisle this year :(
Nooooooooo!!!!! How can we get you to sleep in the back of a Contour if you are there! :(

Campsite won't be the same without a red SVT with silver wheels and gold calipers :cry:
Scott (Zerohour), looks like it's up to you to continue the trend of someone from the Northeast drinking way more than they can handle. You do not have to go as far as I did though. :laugh:
I'm going to need a case of Woodchuck Cider if you want me to get that drunk...

Are you gonna go at all Glenn? I think it was two years ago when you came for Saturday if I remember correctly.
Finally registered! They have a countdown clock on the events page. It's 41 days til AFN! Get hype!

Side note: anyone see what the giveaway car was gonna be this year?.......a merkur XR4ti! get all the tickets you can!
Omg don't remind me with a countdown! I have so much to do yet! hahaha

So how many people are camping?
1) Getsum (Scott)
2) Zerohour (Scott)

Scott, any chance that your brother will be there this year?
Man i'm excited. I drove the car tonight and it was awesome. Except for the volume knob on the stereo jumping from half to full with pendulum playing. Nothing like 180w RMS through front door speakers to make your head hurt in the 4-5 seconds its on.
Registered today!

Scott we need to get in touch about camping arrangements. Have you made yours yet? Its on my to-do this this week/weekend. Last year I told the woman I wanted to camp next to you :laugh:
28 days, 20 hours, 21 minutes, xx seconds (as of 9:38AM)

Get Hype! I'm stoked for this year. I dont know why, but I really am. It's probably cause my dad isn't going anymore. LOL :D
I registered, but didn't make reservations at campsite yet. I also need to paypal Paul for the tent. Unfortunately, my daughters car needed ne wfuel pump, so I'm out $250. As soon as I get money, I'll be taking care of both of these items.
I registered, but didn't make reservations at campsite yet. I also need to paypal Paul for the tent. Unfortunately, my daughters car needed ne wfuel pump, so I'm out $250. As soon as I get money, I'll be taking care of both of these items.

Bummer! What car does she drive?

If we need too I can reserve the space for you. Let me know whats a good time to give you a call. Do you know if anyone else is camping?