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ok, didnt realize you could get the NPG kit with the spring-lock fittings instead of the ones used for the Taurus. hopefully thats what you ordered anyways.
I think u should use the taurus fuel rail.
everything looks pretty doesnt matter which ones you use for what just as long as all the vacume ports in the uim are connected or blocked off and all the solinoids are connected as well. and to answer your question... i kept my taurus fpr in and did not connect it via vacume or electronically. just used it as a block off picture #2, that line also goes into a vacume port on the uim
I believe you are correct with this line going to the PCV valve from the contour. I think this is the EVAP line. The gray end on that hose clicks into an elbow that I think is part of the pcv valve. What I ended up doing to avoid cutting this vac line was I dismantled the pcv valve for the contour and kept the elbow part that connects to the gray connector, basically instead of a pcv valve this became a T. I capped the part that used to go to the pcv valve and routed the open end with some hose to the UIM. Since I used the 3L pcv system it was easy to modify this part to work. My description might not be the best but when I get home I could snap a pick that would probably help it make sense.
Right after I wrote this I was looking at the other MPV thread on here. If the MPV pcv is like the newer Taurus/Escape pcv(which it appears to be) then my idea would work, but if it's more like the 2.5L it might be a little different.
Funny you posted lol... i was just reading your input about the throttle body on Sam's (svttour) 00SVT MPV swap.. anyway thats a great idea i didn't wanna cut the end off the line, but if it's vacuum it needs, I'll take the PVC valve apart as you did and clip it onto the 90* that's in the PVC valve then connect it to the UIM in an open port..
yeah thanks again .. as for the Taurus TB set up ... the MPV UIM / Taurus throttle body slopes way low and would make my cruse control cable go right through my cam pulley for the water pump ... any idea how to get go around that ? most likely i'll have to modify the TB Bracket to have my cruise go above my throttle if possible ..
about the factory MPV FPR, I'll disconnect it then just put a cap on it so it keeps dust and crap outta it.. and as for pic two .. thanks I'll connect it to the last open port i have on the MPV Fuel rail thanks again for the help ..
Re-read this entire thread... Taurus fuel rail will not fit inside the MPV UIM valley.
you need to use the FPR on the blobk off box that NPG provides. The other FPR just leave installed and unplugged.
The MPV has the updated PCV that connects into the rear valve cover.
I suggest doing something funky with the tb bracket. you can always leave it disconnected until later.
that line went to the SVT PCV calve am i correct to just hook it up to a vacuum line on the UIM ?
whats taking you so long!
Why are you using that 3L coolant crap?
Explain ? What 3L coolant crap.. On the mpv 3l you have to use the black coolant piece that is mounted in the motor and the thermostat housing because the svt thermostat housing doesn't line up with the mpv piece... If that makes sense... Also there is no heater line on the mpv motor it's on the mpv thermostat housing.. Anyway it's what I cam up with, a peaceful solution to making it work all for under $5.00 what do u propose I do?
I don't know what you are talking about but you are doing it wrong. Use your 2.5L coolant stuff, not only is that ghetto as hell your missing one of your coolant sensors... What you plan on doing with the heater core hose