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If I will give you the PCM code that have our ECU on it or give you a connector picture, will can you know if it is compatible?
I think that OBDII is full compatible, I use some software with my PC connected to it.
have you even started building the piping setup? loooots of talk and all ive seen is pics of an intercooler, and a piping kit?

What is wrong with you... let me ask you a question. Have you fixed ur supercharger so its running at 100% effectivness. NO!!! Has blackcoog got his supercahrger kit that he is offering up and selling. No because jrak hasn't sent him the coolant tank.
Meaning things get held up because of materials. Like having a life!!!! Jrak is too busy and that has kept him from finish the coolant tank.
Burrita is doing this by himself. He isn't a company with mass production scale tools.

So go away tricker~~~ I thought ur selling your car..
have you even started building the piping setup? loooots of talk and all ive seen is pics of an intercooler, and a piping kit?

You need to stfu, and gtfo. You talk way too much ****, and frankly I dont think anyone wants you to be here!

Joey is doing this to help all of us out, and has a ****load more experience with contours than you can even fathom, hell hes probably got 20k+ into just his motor. When he can work on this when hes not at his real job. Given the nature of his job, hes off every few weeks, and on call every few weeks.

Why dont you go fix your TK supercharger instead of ****ting on this thread.

I apologize to everyone else if that was a little harsh, but honestly people bashing fabricators over time when they have no idea on the process irritates me.

Alright, back on topic.
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People have ran the ATX with a 3L which has increased torque. They put in upgraded stuff that was supposed to handle the torque. However it seems the upgraded stuff was what 'Failed', not the trans itself.
I would think that you could easily handle moderate boost with an ATX as long as the turbo kit will work.
In your case, 6psi non-intercooled with water injection may be more than sufficient to put you to a good 200-220 wHP on an ATX.

We would have to actually test it out of course by building a compatible setup. Then your trans must be in decent shape. I'm willing to work with it though if we can get an ATX car over by Burritas house, or by mine. Keep in mind that I will be moving soon so I cannot do any more fabrication work here until I get moved.
I'm being stationed back in Texas so I'll be north of Austin.

:crazy: If you're going to be in Austin that works incredibly! I will spend the next few days thinking hard about whether I really want to keep the ATX and add a turbo, or if I will just switch to manual. If I keep it, I'll bring it to Austin and bus it back home over a weekend.

You say some of the methods of keeping the transmission alive failed? Do you mean like "better" parts they put in the internals, or like coolers and stuff?

Is there any landmark where an ATX is sure to fail? How far has it been taken?

Is it just under racing loads, or daily driving that they tear up?

I've heard that in almost all cases they overheat and melt stuff (clutch slippage from not having enough psi from the pump or wimpy clutches). Is this correct?

If anyone can chime in here it'd be great.

Also, why would a non-inter cooled setup be best (for ATX)?

Finnally, since you're so close to me I'd like to offer to help you with building these turbo kits. I have no experience with them, but I can read diagrams, I'm good at geometry, and I learn quickly. Best of all, I'd work for almost nothing hourly or on a per-piece basis. I'm looking for the experience.
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:crazy: If you're going to be in Austin that works incredibly! I will spend the next few days thinking hard about whether I really want to keep the ATX and add a turbo, or if I will just switch to manual. If I keep it, I'll bring it to Austin and bus it back home over a weekend.

You say some of the methods of keeping the transmission alive failed? Do you mean like "better" parts they put in the internals, or like coolers and stuff?

Is there any landmark where an ATX is sure to fail? How far has it been taken?

Is it just under racing loads, or daily driving that they tear up?

I've heard that in almost all cases they overheat and melt stuff (clutch slippage from not having enough psi from the pump or wimpy clutches). Is this correct?

If anyone can chime in here it'd be great.

Also, why would a non-inter cooled setup be best (for ATX)?

Finnally, since you're so close to me I'd like to offer to help you with building these turbo kits. I have no experience with them, but I can read diagrams, I'm good at geometry, and I learn quickly. Best of all, I'd work for almost nothing hourly or on a per-piece basis. I'm looking for the experience.

First, I will be 75miles North of Austin, 25miles west of Temple TX. i.e. "The Great Place" etc. (hint: these are all indicators of where I'm going next. lol:laugh:)

Second, I will get settled in and when I am ready for secondary work I'll go ahead and let people know. I may just do supplemental work for the MTX kit at first, maybe not. I have a lot to do in the next couple of months including sell the house I have now. So we are talking a bit of time.
Burrita will be fabing the first MTX kit and has already made good progress.

Last, I have no problem if you were close by to do some work. You work for next to nothing...cool. I charge a lot to teach. As soon as you start bring your checkbook...:shocked:

Just kidding. I'm usually the person most free with information and willing to teach. If I have someone nearby then we can possibly work something out but lets cross that bridge when we come to it.
You need to stfu, and gtfo. You talk way too much ****, and frankly I dont think anyone wants you to be here!

Joey is doing this to help all of us out, and has a ****load more experience with contours than you can even fathom, hell hes probably got 20k+ into just his motor. When he can work on this when hes not at his real job. Given the nature of his job, hes off every few weeks, and on call every few weeks.

Why dont you go fix your TK supercharger instead of ****ting on this thread.

I apologize to everyone else if that was a little harsh, but honestly people bashing fabricators over time when they have no idea on the process irritates me.

Alright, back on topic.

gime a break you loser. i'm not the one hyping up hundreds of people on something that is so far away from being complete, its ridiculous. blackcoog has a working setup on his car right now! who was talking smack about that again? you guys make me sick. jump on my ass because i ask a question, THAT WASNT EVEN MEANT FOR YOU. you guys are hilarious.

and just so you all know, i am only considering selling my car at this point to buy another CSVT. if you are wondering why i havent gotten my supercharger going it is because it happens to be damn near february in MN and everything is frozen. i cant keep the car on the road as it is. blackcoog is in the same boat. the difference is blackcoog doesnt have hundreds of people ALL HYPED UP about something that is MONTHS away from completion. his setup PROBABLY IS months from completion, but i sure dont see him on CEG hyping everyone up. and even when they do, most of you CEG'ers are going nuts like babies worried about tuning, complaining about what you want changed in the kit, and everything else you can think of. it's pretty sad.

either way, its cool you guys are building a kit. i'm happy you strive for contour aftermarket. and someday if i was going turbo i would definately buy your kit. if i bought your kit i would install it myself, in my garage, and i wouldnt cry if one bolt didnt go together perfect, and i would tune it myself, and i wouldnt cry about cost. you gotta pay to play, i guess im sick of cheapos on CEG complaining and then jumping on everyone else when you ruin there dream of making 900HP for 5$.
gime a break you loser. i'm not the one hyping up hundreds of people on something that is so far away from being complete, its ridiculous.

If production literally began like a week ago and you know production is far from being complete, then why are you basically calling them "all talk" when everyone knows they arent going to have much to show for it right now? :shrug:
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i was provoking a little more info in the thread....not calling them all talk. this thread is 5% builders updates, and 95% people complaining and asking stupid questions. nothing against burrita or warmonger.....but sorry im not gonna treat them like jesus because they are making a turbo kit that would take me a very long time to obtain even if the jig was made and they were being run off every day, because i'm in line behind 200 people and only one (or two) people are actually building them. and after all this, i have warrantys on things that have been bought, but do i have a warranty on the piping? i'm not trying to be another complainer....but i dont have time to read through 25 pages of comments. and if there was a problem i would fix it myself anyhow.

i am sure that burrita and warmonger are going to build turbo kits. i am sure CEG'ers will have them. but i am not sure that every CEG'er that wants one will get one. and i also think that burrita and tom are going to go crazy when they have normal jobs but they are still trying to deal with everyone asking questions, trying to buy kits, and trying to purchase tuning. blackcoog already has this problem having a full time job and doing his 3L builds and trying to build this supercharger. sometimes there is just not enough hours in the day. i hope they can make everyone happy, but its hard to do these days. keep that in mind potential buyers.

oh and to whoever asked about my TK kit.....i have 2 belts and that was the last component i need other than a catch tank. i can have the blower running in a matter of an hour. i'm waiting for decent weather. ;)
gime a break you loser. i'm not the one hyping up hundreds of people on something that is so far away from being complete, its ridiculous. blackcoog has a working setup on his car right now! who was talking smack about that again? you guys make me sick. jump on my ass because i ask a question, THAT WASNT EVEN MEANT FOR YOU. you guys are hilarious.

I read your thread exactly how I read all your other threads. I put on my Tricker hat and I gain the mentality that im ****ing pro at it all and that I know everythign so i can talk **** about everythign else. Which is how you've acted ever since I read your ****stained posts on SVTP. Go ahead and go back and read what you wrote, it sounds exactly how Jim put it:

If production literally began like a week ago and you know production is far from being complete, then why are you basically calling them "all talk" when everyone knows they arent going to have much to show for it right now? :shrug:

Additionally, Im not in here hyping things up, im reading up on progress (which is actually going along pretty quickly considering all things) and trying to interject and answer questions that I may know the answers to. Meanwhile you come in and try to chomp at the tit by trying buying the 'prototype' set for a discount (do we offer handicapped discounts on CEG??) and then you come in with your big balls attitude about how they are all talk.

soooooo GTFO
Tricker, you sound like a little bratt. Just leave ceg!!!

Just because you think a certain way, doesn't mean everybody else needs to be/think like you.

22 years old and your a regular know it all.

I'm done with you.. just please stop posting. All you do is cause trouble for everyone.
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sorry, maybe we need a sarcasm tag. I DONT WANT A TURBO. if i wanted a turbo, i would attempt at building my own. why? because i myself am not capable of doing it...but i know MANY people that can.

GTFO? sorry it's a public forum so far. i havent done anything that would cause me to be banned.

and i say i'm the F***ing S***? but YOU are the one "answering questions" on here like you know everything? you dont know me man, and i dont know you. but honestly, where did i ever say i know it all and i'm pro? i'm not on here acting like i'm some engineer like i see ALL TOO OFTEN on this site. tell me to do what you want, i dont expect you to like me either way. but you can! see you all at SZ07. i bet 90% of you will like me and my car. either way though, i dont care. this site is informative, and very nice to have to look at. but at the same time, you guys cant think outside the box, and you all wont listen to anyone but yourself. i call that stubborn. maybe i'm wrong....i am extremely not stubborn on any contour topic....i know what i want but i take in everything minus nitrous brands. so yeah, here's what you wanna hear:

"y0 d00dz i are teh sheet mang and i ownz all of you's and shiz so dont ack like you got sumtin cuz i gotz it all yoe and i can makez all diz **** for 5 dolla yo what up"
Tricker, you sound like a little bratt. Just leave ceg!!!

tricker can you do me at least a personal favor and not **** up this thread. you obviously have no intention to buy this kit so back off please. i am buying this kit and YES i am a cheap-o YES i am an idiot and ask idiotic questions. because i am NOT the one building this kit i feel that if i pay i can ask. tuning is a major complication i think in modifications so go screw yourself if i gotta ask questions.

you are not helping anyone here and its making me sick. i want this turbo MORE THEN ANYONE I AM SURE! i want to be boosted so freakin bad and all you do is piss and moan bout this s/c that no one gives two left-testicles about.

sorry Joey, take as much time as you need to make a great kit; i have wanted a turbo for years i can wait a little longer

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well at least i have a supercharger, and i have it this year. nobody gives 2 left testicles about it and thats fine. i'm not worried about all of your cars, but i am worried you are getting all hyped up about somethign that is going to take time to create, obtain, and make work. just my 2c, leave it on the ground for everyone else if you dont want it.
alright. carry on everyone, sorry to waste your time by posting. i'll quit posting here until my name is mentioned again. and for the record harry, i am not a little brat. you have suceeded in keeping me off this post but you have no right to tell me to leave CEG. honestly, there isnt a CEG member i have met that didnt like me and i didnt like myself. so really you have no idea what your talking about in that area.

good luck with your kits burrita and tom. thanks for keepin contours alive :)
What happened to this?

Tricker said:
maybe i'll just quit posting here. you people are so bigheaded on this forum it makes me want to vomit.

You find a way to sh*t on everyone's thread, when they're starting to feel good about their progress. The above quote was pulled from HAZZARD's thread about his 3L build, but you so kindly had to let him know how "worthless" his gauge was. Was that necessary?

Another thing, what's wrong with people getting excited about this turbo kit? This is an INTEREST CHECK, NOT THE ACTUAL GROUP BUY!!! This is where people express that they want the kit, and ask questions. Joey and Tom can respond to questions, and have things figured out BEFORE they start the actual production. I'd say this is a HELL of a huge step in the right direction, which is something your beloved TK didn't quite think about. Hmmm, let's not get any input from people who ACTUALLY OWN A CONTOUR OR COUGAR!! Wonder why his kits aren't selling for sh*t?

As for the reason people like you in person, is because of this:

You don't exactly have "threat" written on your forehead. And most people on here would be afraid of going to jail for hitting a minor. :blackeye:

Tom and Joey, you two are doing a fine job. I think you guys are going about this 100% the right way. You've got a lot of interest, and it's definitely well warranted with the work you two have done to your own cars. Keep up the good work, and don't let anyone bring you or your work, down. Also, I'm sorry for clogging this thread with crap, but damnit, people need to know when to keep their trap shut. :)

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