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Official 2010 CEG Calendar Picture Submission Thread

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Or just have your buddy who is getting his photogrpahy major to photochop your bumper for you! :laugh:

Whether you are serious or not, Its good to reiterate.

6. Photoshop
No digitally modified pictures will be accepted for the calendar. (lowered, additional parts digitally added, etc.) However this year we are allowing HDR (High Dynamic Range) images. In addition to this, we also will allow minor touch up to cars. This includes digital removal of small dents/scratches that would otherwise eliminate a good picture. Adding color or digitally fixing unpainted/unfinished parts is not allowed.
I LIKE my front plate. It's part of what makes my car special. What would egplnt be without the plate? Just a (hot) midnight red Contour - but it sticks in your mind because the plate is so awesome! It adds to the memorability of the car, in my opinion.
Custom plates I also think they look great. Just random state plates, maybe not so much.
Custom plates I also think they look great. Just random state plates, maybe not so much.

This is what I was getting at. Custom plates ARE fine, but the "official" plates just detract from the car. As far as holes in the bumper, you can always just get some plastic plugs and paint them body color for the pics. Should only run you about fifteen bones :cool:

If I were judging, and I'm not, I would give more consideration to those who removed the un-custom plates and took the time to "clean up " the front end of the car correctly.
This is what I was getting at. Custom plates ARE fine, but the "official" plates just detract from the car. As far as holes in the bumper, you can always just get some plastic plugs and paint them body color for the pics. Should only run you about fifteen bones :cool:

If I were judging, and I'm not, I would give more consideration to those who removed the un-custom plates and took the time to "clean up " the front end of the car correctly.

Consider it for next year or put it up for a vote. An opinion is fine but don't suggest people spend money on their cars just to make them qualify.
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How about this? The cars that DO win the vote and have license plates exposed, especially front ones, the resident photoshop guru can photoshop a contour.org plate on there in place of the plate. Yes, I know that there are rules against digital editing to make cars look better, but this seems like it should be allowable if it is fairly processed across the board. Saves a lot of trouble for a lot of people who aren't going to be selected anyways.
im surprised at the low number of submissions so far. i'll be out tomorrow on sanibel island getting some shots
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