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It's begun...

its called a vacuum bleeder. the only thing you ahve to worry about then is keeping the master cylinder full of fluid.
We're doing them tomorrow....:shrug:

My fluid is beyond bad.....it has to be changed, so i might as well put the lines on right away.

Bleed the old **** out first. Flush out the new lines too. You can still get debris in new lines. Bleed your clutch while your at it. You'll be amazed with the pedal feel after new fluid and SS lines.
Still need someone to help you out?

Mike and I are going to try and get it done tonight. The game plan I think is to flush the fluid with the stock lines in place, then replace them and bleed the new lines out. We are doing the clutch as well. If I would have thought about this a while ago i would have installed speed bleeders....

Lat night got the new fluid pushed through and got half way done with the line swap and found out the rear lines they sent me are wrong, i need (2) male ends on the rear lines and they sent male/female....so i'll be on the phone with them today doing some *****ing. But the front lines are in and everything is bled with the new ATE superblue fluid...the brakes are a whole new beast...that old fluid was beyond bad.

Also got my new lugs installed and lowered the car again since the exhaust re-work.

All that's left on my list is:

My car:

Mirko install
Re-hook up oil pressure gauge
Paint/install fuse box cover
Wash the car
Wax the car.....BWAHAHAHAHAH just kidding :laugh: :shrug:
New end links on rear suspension arms

Mikes car:

Grill ring swap
All that's left on my list is:

My car:

Mirko install
Re-hook up oil pressure gauge
Paint/install fuse box cover
Wash the car
Wax the car.....BWAHAHAHAHAH just kidding :laugh: :shrug:
New end links on rear suspension arms

Mikes car:

Grill ring swap

Long way to go with only 2 days left....good luck in beating the clock