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Help with connecting rod...

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what exactly does "tilting windmills" mean?

Tilting is the activity that Knights engaged in during battle or tournament. Wearing armor and riding an armored horse, they would engage another Knight to see who could knock who off their horse.

Don Quijote was a mythical Spanish Knight that seemed to not choose his potential enemies wisely and was know for tilting against windmills instead of other Knights.

So keep tilting windmills while those of us observing chuckle on the sidelines.

Popcorn anyone?
I had Bill (not sure he is even still around) do some research and he found the rods are the same that were used in the Aston Martin v12.

I knew about the sinter forging and when I built my turbo set-up I stayed with stock rods almost due the fact I had never heard of any breaking...by means of boost.

I am not sure if that still holds true today. So maybe my 2 cents isn't worth as much. I havent been on here in a while.
from the old forums thread in which Terry Haines was explaining why con rod bearings spin..... he also said that the powder metal process was improved after 2002. Maybe sourcing some late con rods will help avoid this problem again ...G.

How do you think they get the powdered metal to stick together to make a connecting rod instead of a pile of metal powder?

I swear to god, you are so lucky I don't ban people just because they are idiots. I am getting very close to breaking my own rule though.

Rara why do you have to be an ass with your responses? Your a mod yet you still act like an ass. I could care less what the ???? you do for a living. IT DOESN'T MEAN YOU KNOW EVERYTHING! You are one to talk, between you and demon no one could ever get a valid point across.

If you want to ban him because you "think" he's an idiot go ahead it shows how stupid you are. You can't just ignore him? Seriously what is it with you and alot of folks from the EGL that can't get over themselves? Christ almighty

Whatever they call powdered metal sinter forged powdered metal whatever its still a powdered metal rod. I do believe a trully "forged' rod is stronger. And please don't get on your lame ass "i'm an automotive engineer" soapbox blah blah blah.

Flame away assclowns
Rara why do you have to be an ass with your responses? Your a mod yet you still act like an ass. I could care less what the ???? you do for a living. IT DOESN'T MEAN YOU KNOW EVERYTHING! You are one to talk, between you and demon no one could ever get a valid point across.

First, I wasn't being as "ass" to you. You asked a valid question, and I clarified for you in what I thought was a light-hearted, tongue-in-cheek way. If you read it the wrong way, I'm sorry for you for taking the internet too seriously and personal.

Second, I'm the first person to admit I don't know everything. Someone else mentioned my occupation, and it was relevant to the discussion. I'm not going to advise someone on how to design a distributed data network, or how to design a geothermal hot water ground loop, but I sure as hell do know a thing or two about how car parts are designed and made. This site happens to be about cars, and car parts, and I'll be damned, it just so happens that my knowledge and experience tends to be a little more relevant here than over at the Cable-Knitting Forums. Now relax and go have a beer or something, you're a little too worked up over something that had almost zero to do with you.

If you want to ban him because you "think" he's an idiot go ahead it shows how stupid you are. You can't just ignore him? Seriously what is it with you and alot of folks from the EGL that can't get over themselves? Christ almighty

You haven't been following Kaos' track record here, have you? Based on his posts, I'm pretty sure I know he's an idiot, and you would too if you had been following along. You're one to talk here about ignoring people; you had nothing to do with this, and you feel you need to jump in anyway. Hello pot? this is Kettle . . .
And why can't you get over the whole EGL thing? The simple fact is that there have been more EGL'ers than any other region, including mod and admin staff, and according to you "people that can't get over themselves".

Whatever they call powdered metal sinter forged powdered metal whatever its still a powdered metal rod. I do believe a trully "forged' rod is stronger. And please don't get on your lame ass "i'm an automotive engineer" soapbox blah blah blah.

Flame away assclowns

Excellent straw-man argument. I'm surprised you didn't bring Chewbacca into this too. No one ever said anything about strength of a plain forged rod vs. a sinter-forged powdered metal rod. It all started because I said the OP's pic looked like it was a defect from the forging part of the process, which it still looks like to me. And I don't think I'm so much on my "I'm an automotive engineer" soapbox, more like my "Look, I'm right, and if you'd check your facts against the discussion, you'd see that" soapbox.

Leaving everything else aside, your over-sensitivity to internet posting, Kaos' long-standing douch-baggery, etc, and get back to the point. The con-rods in mamisano's original post have what appears to be defects in them from the sinter-forging process. And that powdered-metal rods are in fact formed through multi-aspect process of sinter-forging, where the sinter part is the application of heat to fuse powdered metal into a single piece, and the forging to compact and strengthen the part enough to be used in high-stress appications.
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uh, me and him agreed, so... calling me an idiot is sort of calling him one too. All I was doing was clearing up that the rods arent what is commonly known as "forged" rods, they are Sintered powder metal rods, and offer some rods I have that would work for the OP. your the one making a gigantic debate out of this, highjacking the thread with almost two pages of bickering over semantics.
uh, me and him agreed, so... calling me an idiot is sort of calling him one too. All I was doing was clearing up that the rods arent what is commonly known as "forged" rods, they are Sintered powder metal rods, and offer some rods I have that would work for the OP. your the one making a gigantic debate out of this, highjacking the thread with almost two pages of bickering over semantics.
change your settings I am still 12 posts away from pg2:laugh:
uh, me and him agreed, so... calling me an idiot is sort of calling him one too. All I was doing was clearing up that the rods arent what is commonly known as "forged" rods, they are Sintered powder metal rods, and offer some rods I have that would work for the OP. your the one making a gigantic debate out of this, highjacking the thread with almost two pages of bickering over semantics.

I think it is safe to say that you are an idiot and Thinkmoto is not.

I think it is time to lock up this thread. Nothing helpful is happening now except allowing KOES to dig himself in deeper.
I think it is safe to say that you are an idiot and Thinkmoto is not.

I think it is time to lock up this thread. Nothing helpful is happening now except allowing KOES to dig himself in deeper.

it's about as safe to say that I'm an idiot is it for me to say your a hermaphrodite

your judgment is based entirely on some posts on a message board. a message board in fact, that is based purely on mob rule and the loyalty of the ignorant upon the falsely self anointed "experts" that head up the various cliques.

I hardly think I'm an idiot because a few clowns with ego complexes and a key board want to inflate the dimensions of their E-penises by picking irrelevant fights over semantics and insisting that, because of some job they claim to have, they could never even possibly be wrong.

whats more is, after anointing yourself "lord know it all of East great Westernshire" or whatever, you then have a small mafia of know nothings that will come to the rescue, nose in sphincter and all.

it would be really nice if a person could challenge a person of supposed "Authority" to a mature debate about anything here without a myspace
"flash mob" taking place.

seriously, some people need to grow up
I honestly can say that I have read and learned from KAOS. I don't know much though, so it might be irrelevant. Without some of this knowledge bickering I wouldn't have learned anything from this thread.
it's about as safe to say that I'm an idiot is it for me to say your a hermaphrodite

your judgment is based entirely on some posts on a message board. a message board in fact, that is based purely on mob rule and the loyalty of the ignorant upon the falsely self anointed "experts" that head up the various cliques.

I hardly think I'm an idiot because a few clowns with ego complexes and a key board want to inflate the dimensions of their E-penises by picking irrelevant fights over semantics and insisting that, because of some job they claim to have, they could never even possibly be wrong.

whats more is, after anointing yourself "lord know it all of East great Westernshire" or whatever, you then have a small mafia of know nothings that will come to the rescue, nose in sphincter and all.

it would be really nice if a person could challenge a person of supposed "Authority" to a mature debate about anything here without a myspace
"flash mob" taking place.

seriously, some people need to grow up

But here's the thing, while you're trying to play it all off, this all started because you claimed I was wrong, after thinkmoto asked a question because he wasn't sure. You called me out for being wrong, but the fact is you were wrong, just as you have been in so many posts. You keep trying to disparage me, and imply I don't know what I'm talking about despite my experience in the relevant area, and yet, you can't make the same claim about me posting wrong information like you do.

I have zero issue with having a good technical debate with anyone, but it has to be just that, good. You have brought nothing good to any discussion on this site, other than the "why? why? why? why?" repeated questions that a 2-year old might ask, which certainly has its place. But you, you ask why, repeatedly, and don't even listen for the answers, you run off, make something up on your own, and blow up your car, or do something else equally stupid. And then you wonder why no one has any respect for what you say.

I don't claim to be some magnificent engineer, I know and work with many many other automotive engineers every day that are far more skilled and knowledgable than I am. I have no problem having discussions with them about technical matters, and learning from them. You on the other hand, refuse to listen to anyone, even when you've specifically asked for input on the matter. Have you even graduated high school yet? You certainly don't act like it; You act like some young kid that thinks wikipedia is infallible, and because you read some articles on engines that you're somehow an expert on the subject, or on any other subject for that matter. You are an arrogant little douchebag idiot when you're behind a keyboard (because I guarantee you're too much of a wuss to be like that in real life) and I'd suggest you snap right out of it for your own good before its too late.
But here's the thing, while you're trying to play it all off, this all started because you claimed I was wrong, after thinkmoto asked a question because he wasn't sure. You called me out for being wrong, but the fact is you were wrong, just as you have been in so many posts. You keep trying to disparage me, and imply I don't know what I'm talking about despite my experience in the relevant area, and yet, you can't make the same claim about me posting wrong information like you do.

I have zero issue with having a good technical debate with anyone, but it has to be just that, good. You have brought nothing good to any discussion on this site, other than the "why? why? why? why?" repeated questions that a 2-year old might ask, which certainly has its place. But you, you ask why, repeatedly, and don't even listen for the answers, you run off, make something up on your own, and blow up your car, or do something else equally stupid. And then you wonder why no one has any respect for what you say.

I don't claim to be some magnificent engineer, I know and work with many many other automotive engineers every day that are far more skilled and knowledgable than I am. I have no problem having discussions with them about technical matters, and learning from them. You on the other hand, refuse to listen to anyone, even when you've specifically asked for input on the matter. Have you even graduated high school yet? You certainly don't act like it; You act like some young kid that thinks wikipedia is infallible, and because you read some articles on engines that you're somehow an expert on the subject, or on any other subject for that matter. You are an arrogant little douchebag idiot when you're behind a keyboard (because I guarantee you're too much of a wuss to be like that in real life) and I'd suggest you snap right out of it for your own good before its too late.

wow, so much energy expense at the likes of little old stupid me, you must be uber-smare.

lets see, IDK where to start, so lets try this one first:

You are an arrogant little douchebag idiot when you're behind a keyboard (because I guarantee you're too much of a wuss to be like that in real life)
really? I have scars that prove otherwise. ignorant people often resort to violence when their intelect fails them.

You act like some young kid that thinks wikipedia is infallible, and because you read some articles on engines that you're somehow an expert on the subject, or on any other subject for that matter.
nope, but wiki is a good start for any of the myriad of things I like to stay informed on. do you have a relevant opinion on SSTO? or maybe the use of aramids in ballistic armor? or maybe the effects of alcoholism on GABA receptors? can you even build a picture frame from scratch? or are you the result of "specialization", just like a worker drone in a hive social structure?

I dont ever claim to be an expert in any one field, but the broad range of things that I try to be well informed in, combined with a well above average iq, and a freethinking ideology, might just allow me to come up with something others have missed, even if only in theory.

ever heard the term, "nose to the grind stone"?

Have you even graduated high school yet?
yep, apparently you missed my little " I IS MORE SMARE" posts a long time ago....

care to post the results from your exit exams? perhaps some iq test results?

You have brought nothing good to any discussion on this site,
others may debate that. although you, with your omnipresence, know the thoughts of others; as well as the content of every post I've ever made, so sorry, your right again meester know it all.

other than the "why? why? why? why?" repeated questions that a 2-year old might ask,
you know why a 2yr old does that? they havent decieved themselves into believeing that they know why, or that the answer given must be correct purely because the person giving it has done the same.

and don't even listen for the answers, you run off, make something up on your own, and blow up your car, or do something else equally stupid.
+1 comedy point for the mental image of a guy that actually "blows up" his car to make it faster. while the tiny bits of shrapnel may actually move faster than the vehicle as a whole, I doubt the occupants would survive.

but if you are refering to me asking how to correctly retain my egr, and then "not listening" to every person on earth that told me to delete it, yeah, I tend not to listen to suggestions that have nothing to do with answering my original question. whats more, is that I do listen, but not always agree. I guess your just used to people behaving like children in elementary school, doing whatever they are told to and so forth.

But here's the thing, while you're trying to play it all off, this all started because you claimed I was wrong, after thinkmoto asked a question because he wasn't sure. You called me out for being wrong, but the fact is you were wrong, just as you have been in so many posts.
firstly, I didnt out right say you where wrong, just that the term used for these rods is sintered. and obviousley thinkmoto was only asking a question; thats why he came back and posted, in essence, that you are a retard for using the term "forged" interchangeably with "sintered" just because there are compression phases in the sintering process.

just face it, when people hear the term "forged" they think of a solid piece of an alloy, heated to a plastic state, then squeezed into a mold, if you'd like to continue playing semantics, thats just fine, but I think most people reading this know exactly what I mean.

and as for being "wrong" in "so many" posts, could you please elaborate? since your omnipresent and know everything I've ever posted and all.

and you know what the really sad part is? this is your specialty and I'm pretty sure your older than me, at a whopping 26 yrs old, so why is it that you have to rely on "I work on cars for a living" as a way to convince others you were correct? one would think a person with the vast knowledge you claim to posess would make a fool of me easily. or will you just ban me like dom did?

I honestly can say that I have read and learned from KAOS. I don't know much though, so it might be irrelevant. Without some of this knowledge bickering I wouldn't have learned anything from this thread.

thanks joe, I've learned from your build threads as well. not many would try a 3.0 in an OBDI car.
Rara....why are you going into this with him. You broke your composure and left your rank over this guy :confused:
Rara why do you have to be an ass with your responses? Your a mod yet you still act like an ass. I could care less what the ???? you do for a living. IT DOESN'T MEAN YOU KNOW EVERYTHING! You are one to talk, between you and demon no one could ever get a valid point across.

Valid? Are you kidding...they are the most accurate/consistent ceg'rs that hit the boards. Their statements were 98% of the time accurate! Both of them have taken soo much time to of their lives... to contribute to this site.

You should be the last one crying about that :blackeye:
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