I was in Worcester when the storm went though. We had nothing in Worcester, literally a few sprinkles. But as I headed to my parents' house in Millbury, I began to appreciate the storm's intensity. It looked like a war zone. Leaves on the road so thick you couldn't even see the pavement .. on every road throughout the town.
Between Wheelock Ave and West Main St, I had to detour FOUR times due to road obstacles (Millbury Ave power lines, Howe Ave flooding, Elm St flooding at the Rt 146 bridge, and Carlton Rd tree across the road and flooding). Rt 146 was flooded out too on the Sutton/Millbury border. The entire town had no power.
I couldn't BELIEVE the idiots that were diving right into the flooded zones. I witnessed two cars stall out at the 146 bridge, not entirely because of the water depth (though possible), but because they were behind cars and SUVs that created huge waves as they charged into the water at 30mph. Each of the areas had deep water, I turned around every time. Thankfully I had the Subaru, I don't think the SVT would have made it on half the leaf- and branch-covered roads.
When I arrived at my parents' house, a good 45 minutes after the storm hit, I found this all over their lawn and deck... it was 85 degrees out so I imagine they were much bigger originally