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CSVT#5959 got in an accident today


Hard-core CEG'er
Jul 20, 2006
Cleveland Institute of Music, OH
so today i was comming home from school and i was turning into my friends house when i got hit by someone going somewhere between 30 and 40 when i was going around 5-10mph. The guy who hit me said it was because i put on my wrong blinker, even though he didnt even slow down or stop...so who knows. Also, there was no other way to turn the other way. i was turning so i got hit in the rear drivers side corner of my car, spun 180 degrees into a fence. i just hope my car is gonna be alright. it just sucks that this happens to me. i worked my ass off to get this car and i just pray its gonna be repairable.


i'd hate to be the bringer of bad news - but that looks like it's totalled - and if not i think you should push for it to be.

on a funnier note - now the geico commercial with the dude singing "i got hit in the rear" applies to you!

no worries man, everything will work out.
Ben, thats horrible! I kinda threw up in my mouth a little when I saw that pic!

Yeah, I hate to say it too, but it looks totalled. I would start looking for a new CSVT with that insurance money!! It will all work out.
yep that will be totaled. either way, buy it back and part it out, and take the money to buy another CSVT! sorry about the loss sir :( you can buy mine if you want :p
It looks like a total loss. Frame bent almost always = automatic total loss. If you have the time, buy it back and part it out. You will surely make alot more than you paid the insurance company to buy it back. A few guys selling 3.0 CSVT and if not drop Blackcoog a line, I'm sure he can help.

Sorry to see another CSVT get retired :(
oh man that is just an awful sight...was the guy drunk? jesus...even if by odd chance you did have your wrong directional on you would think his depth perception would have reacted, sucks man, but like everyone said, it will work out
oh man that is just an awful sight...was the guy drunk? jesus...even if by odd chance you did have your wrong directional on you would think his depth perception would have reacted, sucks man, but like everyone said, it will work out
Provided he has depth perception. I know two people who do not and have their licenses.
I'm glad you're OK, sorry about your car. Hope you got a police report. It really dosen't matter what he says about your lights, you could have had one pointing straight up it dosen't make you at fault for him hitting you.
That really sucks about your car :cry: . Like you , I hope it's fixable (if for no other reason than to keep one more one SVT on the road) - but ya never know . My mom's Mystique got totalled with a lot less damage than that :( . At least you're OK . And to hell with that guy saying you had the wrong signal on ... let him PROVE IT ! Not that it really matters anyway ;) ...
...was the guy drunk?

actually...he goes to my school and is in a couple of my classes and he said he was paying attention and slammed on his breaks when there wasnt any skid marks at all on the road...pretty ****ty...

AND...to all of you negative people out there...i think there is just subframe damage. the hood didnt buckle at all so there is still hope for now...

im gonna stay positive for now...
Man, I don't know. Even if it is salvagable, that thing isn't going to drive like it used to. Sorry bro, but realistically, I think it's done for. Best of luck. If luck is against you and they total it, be sure to part it out.

On a side note, lol @ the WLW jacket.
i would hate to see another svt be gone, but those bumpers alone from ford are a good 1000-1200 bucks...parts will add up quickly, how many miles are on it?