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A Few Pics Of My Ride.

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I'm curious to see what it'll look like when finished. I'm not a huge fan of having the navi IN the steering wheel, but as long as it's molded in well, with no seams or gaps showing, it should look alright.

The 4 LCD screens in the cabin are overkill, IMO. And they look out of contrast with the rest of the interior, though I could be wrong, and it's just the low- quality of the pictures given to us.

And those letters? Dude, no offense, but you Bedazzled your Contour? It just looks horrible. I can see making it a different font, or even misbadging the car. But those letters just look awful. They do not flow with the car at all.

Conceptually, I like the car. I have no problem with outlandish modification, but some parts are just in bad taste.
im not knocking your car dont get me wrong. and im not upset in any way. its just the abrasive approach that you took. i of all people respect custom work and will be the last person to knock it. but automatically jumping in and saying nobodys car is close to the work you have done is just silly.

here is my attitude towards you what is your problem with me? seems the only one here swinging on my nuts is you?
oh im very cool right now....but i just had to say my peace and what i thought and was going to leave it that....but no because i have kids doesnt make me a man but you obviously didnt get what i was trying to say.....so i guess no one will ever....everyone takes anything i say so serious
Personally, I have had a hard time trying to figure out what it is you're trying to say because of all the misspellings, horrible grammar and ghetto speak. If I have to re-read a post several times to make sense of it, I'm likely going to wonder if the poster really has anything worthwhile to say in the first place. Do yourself a favor and lose the crap speak/spell and maybe you'll be taken more seriously.
i understand people dont like the letters fine...and yes the tvs are of a differnt color but i am a tv guy...there is one for every person that would sit in the car...it may not be yuor taste but it is mine......and bagged......far from sweating your nuts big boy......i never knocked on anything of yours....i said it looked good...and where you get off that i wrote any names....yuo must know this your self....but if thats how you roll...i just dont understand why everyone just gets on my case about anything i say
oh well boys im done fighting with you....i just belive things should have came around very different then they did...butmaybe im just all wrong...so i will say no more and let it be....everyone wins....i lose right??!?!?! later
dude ive got nothing against your t.v.s and i never bashed them. if thats what your into great. im really not this a hole your making me out to be and as far as custom glass work i happen to be very skilled at it so maybe if we can tone this down i dont have a problem showing you some of my work who knows you might even be able to learn something from me and vise versa:cool:
ya maybe when it cools off then hit me up about it....we could exchange but i will be the first to admit...i have a hard time taking heat from people...in public i would have hit someone truth fully....i always went but you got nothing nice to say then say nothing....right...people could just answer and critique peoples work with other words and nicer ways...this should be a show how not to talk to people on here and i will be guinnea pig....i have learned from this so should others in more ways then just mine.:eek:
beleive me i of all people understand. you should have seen the heat i got when i first showed pics on the forumn i got bashed out. you just have to feel confident in your work and take peoples opinions with a grain of salt. there will always be someone who doesnt like your stuff. hell thats what makes me do more and more:cool:
your right on that i just want to empty my pockets and say screw what wife says and make her a full blown trailer queen...just to shut mouths
beleive me i of all people understand. you should have seen the heat i got when i first showed pics on the forumn i got bashed out. you just have to feel confident in your work and take peoples opinions with a grain of salt. there will always be someone who doesnt like your stuff. hell thats what makes me do more and more:cool:

7. This is the internet -- don't be a wuss and get all bent out of shape if someone else doesn't agree with you. This is how flame wars start.

And if you have a problem with a particular post, then hit the report button above that post
Ya man. Don't worry. CEG likes to call bagged's car the midget herder. I've only been a member for 2 months, and I know pretty well that his car is considered a red-headed stepchild by some. But hey, he also knows that some of us really do like his car, we just tease him. Personally, I see his car as unique and in some ways, rolling art. We never lose sight of how much time he puts into his car. And we won't with you either. Just hear us out, especially the veterans. They will give more good advice than you could imagine.
if you could read you would see that people were just commenting on how they thought about the car. no one started calling you names and all that bs you just threw out there. then you come on here and say you would have beat someone up for talking crap about your car, wow you really are immature
if you could read you would see that people were just commenting on how they thought about the car. no one started calling you names and all that bs you just threw out there. then you come on here and say you would have beat someone up for talking crap about your car, wow you really are immature

Just leave it alone. Its done. Someone should really just lock this up
if you could read you would see that people were just commenting on how they thought about the car. no one started calling you names and all that bs you just threw out there. then you come on here and say you would have beat someone up for talking crap about your car, wow you really are immature

everything is fine now. let it go this is your warning
personally i wouldnt do the emz i thing the car looks better without anybadges like Nascar's SVT. Just enough badges to keep them guessing. i dont have any badging on mine no ford no contour. Im anyways asked what kind of car i have.
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