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Who is heading to SZ?

I don't trust you either. :D I'm just kidding, no really...
it's fun. if you're not gonna drive it, what's the point of having it? if you just want it to look pretty forever, take a picture!

I have lots of pictures. :)

I do drive it, I just would prefer not to drive it to MI. It's a long drive, and with my shoulder injury it will be a very uncomfortable ride for me, that's why I would prefer to tow it. The tow vehicle has got to more comfy than the SVT, for sure.

We probably will drive it, towing it was just a thought.
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I think you read the post as I was listing the real reason for me wanting to tow the car.
Unfortunately, A migraine and muscle spasms that are exceptionally painful don't make for a very good time. :(
I'm going. As a side note Luca, have you tried a med called imotrex? My wife gets horrid migranes, so bad she cries.:cry: The docs hooked her up with this med, she takes it AT THE FIRST SIGN of a migrane, and it's GONE!!! Good stuff, you may want to ask about it, it's a Godsend for Tammy. HTH.
Yep, I tried it. I had the inject able Imitrex. I'd give myself the shot and :dizzy:, I couldn't get needle back in the case. I couldn't even see straight, my heart would race, I would feel like :censored: and I still had the headache.
Tried two shots, neither worked so I tossed it.
If it's on the market, Ive tried it.
I had Imitrex when it first came out, before they brought out the pill form.
Ken is going.
If we drive the Contour we'll probably both do some driving. It's just that the Contour isn't the most comfortable ride for me on a long trip.