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WI SVTOA 2009 Icebreaker


or hetfeild
Jul 7, 2002
Port Washington, WI

I don't know if I'll be going or not this year. In 2007 they stopped giving out placed trophies (1st place, 2nd place, etc) and they shoved the Contours back into a far corner of the lot. They also lump us in with the FSVT into one category. However, there are some really cool cars that may show up including Bruce with his Cobra R or some Panteras. Even if you don't want to enter in the show you may want to stop by and check it out.
This is the class I was in "Q Ford Family Cars 1986 - Present" Huge competition and I lost :cry:.
I don't know if I'll be going or not this year. In 2007 they stopped giving out placed trophies (1st place, 2nd place, etc)

you lie... :laugh: i entered in '07 and '08 and recieved trophies for both years you wiener!

you lie... :laugh: i entered in '07 and '08 and recieved trophies for both years you wiener!

Yeah I got a trophy in '07, too. Read my post a little more closely you wiener! :p

So is that your car on the left in this picture?


Edit: Your picture was blocked at work so I didn't see it until I got home. I looked at my trophies, and it was in '06 that they gave everyone the same trophy.
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I hope to be attending as long as the SVT is back together by then. Hopefully it will be wrapped up this weekend.
I am going to be there in the "Ford Family Cars" class because mines not an SVT, though better than all of yours fools! hahahahaha
I am going to be there in the "Ford Family Cars" class because mines not an SVT, though better that all of yours fools! hahahahaha

I'd LMFAO if someone came with a debadged CSVT and said it was an se and won. It could happen it is Ford fans they aren't smart to begin with.
It woulda been nice if the axles I ordered got here in a decent amount of time and my dad wouldn't have gotten called into work. I didn't want to work on it without him because he has helped me so much up to this point, not to mention anybody else that would have helped me was also out of town that weekend :cry:
I'm there - sunday, Philly I will call you. Do you want me to bring some pedal covers with ??????? huh, huh????