Replaced the thermostat today. Couldn't find a 180º t-stat locally, so I had to go with the regular 195.
Drove it for a few miles (3-5), didn't overheat. Parked it and idled it for 6 minutes, it sat between L and the redline. It used to run between A and L, and considering how much coolant I lost changing the t-stat, it's not surprising, but it DIDN'T go into the red. I didn't notice any visible defects to the thermostat, but who knows.
I'll be able to tell better once I refill the coolant.. but I noticed..
my fan does NOT cut on until almost the L. I suppose this means I have no low-speed fan. The fan comes on whenever the A/C is on, as it should.
I read somewhere on how to test your relays.. anyone know this off the top of their head?