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New (old) 3L rebuild

Did my final wash down of the block today. Everything is looking really nice. Will be another month before I place my final parts order but thinking about putting the crank in the cradle to keep it safe.

I came up with a question for the bearings - is there anything that goes on the back of the bearing, i.e. lube? Obviously you use assembly lube between the bearing and the crank, but just wanted to double check between the bearing and the race.
I came up with a question for the bearings - is there anything that goes on the back of the bearing, i.e. lube? Obviously you use assembly lube between the bearing and the crank, but just wanted to double check between the bearing and the race.

No. Nothing needed there.
So new question - From what I've read, the rods usually have to be installed with a certain orientation, but as far as I can tell, my K1 rods are symmetric. Is that right? Was trying to install wrist pins tonight but have to be sure of this since my pistons have valve reliefs specific to intake and exhaust.
Pistons and rods all set - pretty sure the rods are symmetric but went with a tangs to the outside approach. If someone tells me I'm wrong i'll have to switch them but man it would be a pain to have to remove those locks.


Your rebuild is just a little ahead of mine
As regards the big end shell tabs i paid good attention on my strip down
so looking at the crank from the sump direction the tabs are all on the side towards the oil filter side of the block
Your rebuild is just a little ahead of mine
As regards the big end shell tabs i paid good attention on my strip down
so looking at the crank from the sump direction the tabs are all on the side towards the oil filter side of the block

Mine are all installed with tangs to the outside. the rod caps go on tang to tang.
yes the rod and cap tangs go end to end
but as well as recording my stripdown have looked at the build manual , and it clearly shows the arrow on the standard pistons point towards the front of the engine , ie towards the timing chains .
so I looked at all my old pistons , still attached to the rods, and that places the rod and cap slots for the big end shell tabs , on the oil filter side of the block
that's how the f1 rods will be going back into mine , unless someone can come up for a reason otherwise
Lookn good man. I do believe the rods and pistons are symmetrical. However, once you pick a direction, they all should face the same way. There was a notch on my pistons that i assumed were to face the front of the engine. Except that i always thought the front of a fwd engine is the timing cover/pulleys end, and not the tranny end. Apparently, not so. Anyway, all the notches on the pistons & K1 emblems on the rods faced the timing cover side. No problems thus far.
Looks great. What compression ratio did you go with? You putting a turbo on?
yeah - I have a 6 cc dome which should bump it to ~11:1. Hoping to make good NA power.

Parts are in!

Finally got my last* order of parts. Oil pump is installed. Time for the block to go back on the stand for final assembly. Still have 1 head to reassemble,but got the new valves I needed and they are all lapped in, so now I just have to struggle through putting on the stupid spring retainers.

*that I can think of for now!
So making good progress. Heads are on and timing is done. A question for those who have followed the shop manual procedure before - do you have to bleed down the lifters in order to install the rockers? I think last time we timed the engine after installing the whole cam assembly so I didn't have any trouble, but I can't seem to get the rockers in, even with the cam caps a little loose. I made a trial with one and this worked, but I want to make sure this is the right thing to do.

Any thoughts appreciated!