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Anyone close to Murrysville, PA

crap, mine has the cupholder in back...time to go hunting...

Yea I was afraid of that. :( The curved cupholder doesn't allow a place for the lid hinge to mount. Plus I bet the console you have doesn't have a latch for the lid to snap into either.

On the plus side it shouldn't be too hard to find one out of a wrecked SVT if you really feel the need to replace your console. (The challenge might be finding one in nice enough shape for your standards)

I'd take the SVT back to the dealer you bought it from and demand a correct console. ;)
On the plus side it shouldn't be too hard to find one out of a wrecked SVT if you really feel the need to replace your console.

LOL, good luck with that. They are few and far between around here.
Thanks Aaron, I knew you would know since you have both types of consoles. I haven't compared in a while to know if you could just put the lid on the other type. Didn't think that you could.
LOL, good luck with that. They are few and far between around here.

I guess I was thinking more along the lines of finding one FS in the classifieds from a part out.

But yea, finding a nice one in the junkyards around here is darn near impossible. Heck I've been looking for a mint PS p-tan door panel for ~2 years now. :blackeye:
True, there is a better chance of that happening than finding one in the junkyard.

LOL @ Glenn. ;)
Yes, we'd like to know SVTfan22... did you get the SVT?
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I was scared off the carfax. I know that they are not everything but I would have been the 7th owner (kind of a lot) and it was in an accident. It was not a bad accident but I think that I could find something better. I have a lead on one from someone on here but I'm not going to say who as I don't want you vultures going after it. :laugh: My other svt is going to be on it way out here next week so then the big decision. Which one gets the turbo?:crazy:
If you weren't comfortable, it was better to walk.
Good luck with the "secret" SVT. :) Let us know.
I know this is late but I live in Murrysville PA. I wish i'd seen this sooner but things have been busy. If you wanted me to check out the car I could and I also have a mechanic I could have check the thing out (i'm still building my skill set for the car). Just offering in case you're still interested SVTfan22.
I passed on that one, its carfax was a bit scary and then the car I was trying to buy from Bagged he decided to keep. So I missed out on that one and now I'm going to check out a 91 SHO and the rest of the money that would have gone to the other contour is now going into finishing the turbo on number 1770. It will be slow going installing the turbo as I'm about to start a new job but I will post pics as I go. Thanks for the offer I answered your pm.