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Your favorite SZ memories?


Pretty fly for a white guy *cowbell*
May 29, 2000
Grand Rapids, MI
5 dudes trying to pick up the desk girl. Some not even wearing anything from the waist down.:crazy:

Pete's burnout at the banquet window.

Bagged hearing a knocking sound soon after leaving Detroit and saying F it and kept driving around all weekend with what sounds like a bad lifter.

TRicker showing us what a 100 shot on a 2.5 does.:cool: :laugh:

A few people getting tats while in Grand Rapids.

Steeda spinning eleventy billion times at Gingerman.

M!key's fan boi club at 131 dragway.

Mxracer's brother telling Steeda that when he talks all he hears is.."c*ck, c*ck, c*ck"

Sharkey giving another guy the number he got from the same girl he was trying to hook up with.

Barge hitting on a girl when her boyfriend is right next to her. Her b/f the size of Rawburt asks if he wants his wrist broken.:laugh:

Steeda getting the shoe in award.

Finding Roger R's lost dog.

Everyone watering the grass near the parking lot.

Kissing the pig! And bagged went ahead and took a chunk right out of the head!:crazy:

Harley guy at Rosie's calling our cars four door low riders.

A CEGer discussing his "cracked struts" and TH replying with "not in my lifetime.":laugh:

War, Staz, Tim, and I walking through the BK drive though.:laugh: One of the kids proceeds to tell us that he has a sweet Cavalier with a turbo kit in box's at home.

Warmonger picking up his luggage at the airport when the baggage claim breaks down. Yells at me from 15 feet away asking me if it was made in Detroit.:laugh:

Alex mounting his video camera to his go kart.

Upskirt shot of the waitress at Rosie's.:crazy:

Cop following us up 131 to Rosie's. Looking for an excuse. Thankfully not finding one.

The dudes with their flies down is a memory but not a good one. Elky chasing Buritta's wife with his twins was classic though.

Bk sleeping on the table in the breakfast area and the desk girl telling him to go to his room and his reply was "Tuesday" or "Pankcakes" or something else obscure.
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How about spinning out in front of todras then chasing him down like a madman.

Destroying one R compound tire in 2 20min sessions.

That one drag car that seemed to stop time as it ran down the track.

MX's brother asking if i thank god every morning when I wake up.

Steeda pulling the P.I.T. on Joey at the go-karts

many more but its sleep time
a certain saleen going sideways out from the show and shine

Taking a turbo SVT off the line only to see it fly by like I was standing still before I get to the 1/4 mile mark

knock knock, "put your clothes on... anyone in here?"....... oh shoot, sorry, see ya later.

"housekeeping!" tim: "you want me fluff your pillow?" "oh, it really is housekeeping... there's two naked guys in here take your pick"

A nice 360 degree high speed view of a beautiful SVT spinning off track

Burita pulling up alongside with brakes SMOKING after a red flag on the track, hmm, new pads? not anymore!
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TRicker's 2.5L Death after 3 pulls on a 100 Shot

Elky chasing down Alyssa (Joey's Wife) with his nuts hanging out

pete drunk

Random nut kicking

Elky getting Teabagged

Elky giving sweet revenge to his Teabagger

Barge's Pig hat

Everybody kissing/making out with/teabagging the pig head

spending 2 hours welding up a Barge's ass sized crack in his Intercooler, that was epic.

Pete's Completely random burnout during the Banquet

Trying to get Tim's car to do a burnout and failing miserablly.

riding in Stazi's SVT :drool:

Steve (BK) calling everybody he sees a ricer, even some old lady.

SZ06 DVD was absolutely incredible - Excellent work Chang, same to Todd for his 15 minute compilation over the course of the many years of SZ

"school" with Terry Hanes and learning that Quaifes and Torsens are actually "ATB's" and not "LSD's" because they have gears and not clutchs.

gotta be more, im just tired and distracted by television and my first day of work tomorrow.
Wishing I went on Saturday.. But I figured the experience wouldn't be the same unless I stayed in a hotel and had some rediculous moments with everyone else :( boo
The airbag showdown between bagged and Alex with WICEG mooning :laugh:

"that's what she said"

going to some small Italian restaruant and ordering 2 party pizza's when the waitress said 4 kids could eat 1...musta been big kids! :shocked: Everybody just stared when they brought them out

Getting lost at least 5 times during the course of the weekend

the lady at the carferry staging in Milw.-"What is so great in Michigan that brought out all these Contours?" Well, at least she didn't call it an escort or a Taurus!:laugh:

Getting the call as we are about to sit down and eat at IHOP this morning that the carferry will not be leaving due to 8 foot waves. Man did our group get silent in a hurry! :laugh:

1 person complimented my SE all weekend, and that was Lamonte (RialKnight) thanks!:cool::laugh:

My g/f (snorts) making the SZ DVD before me! :crazy:

I'm sure there's more, but I'm tired. Thanks for the good times :cool:
getting lost all over the place
Me spinning at g-man
pete's awsome burn out
Trapps trying to kill me
tea bagging elky.. it wasnt so much fun after that tho..
meeting new people
The pig hat
getting the X-cal on my car
getting a ride in roberts CSVTT
Getting 38 Arby's Melts and a Large popcorn chicken with drunken hetfield, bk4293, and pole120

Watching pole120 try to hook up with the hotel clerk for at least a half hour

Bagged and his odd obsession with midgets, perhaps that is why SLVRSVT00 got a good deal on the wheels :laugh:

"If i wasn't all obsessed about midgets and methamphetamine would you sleep with me?

putting SPEC stickers on everything i could find

Todd and I agreeing that the park was down the road with construction when in reality we had no idea what the hell we were doing

Barge climbing through hetfield's window, of a CSVT

go-kart craziness

Trapps running, chasing, dancing, falling, appreciating....."Hey man, my wife drives an 07 expedition, that ****er's got like 87 seats, well maybe not 87, it goes two, then three, and three so.. [about 45 seconds pass in deep thought] EIGHT, eight seats."

Pete's burnout

Pete's drink swapping, and then barge trying to sabotage pete but barge didn't know it was water that had replaced pete's vodka, attemped double sabotage on petey

Sharkey passing out on the floor with his legs up on a chair

the list goes on......
Trapps running, chasing, dancing, falling, appreciating....."Hey man, my wife drives an 07 expedition, that ****er's got like 87 seats, well maybe not 87, it goes two, then three, and three so.. [about 45 seconds pass in deep thought] EIGHT, eight seats."

hahahahahahahaha, now that sounds halarious-
Watching pole120 try to hook up with the hotel clerk for at least a half hour.

...and WHICH hotel clerk is the question...


Mark's parents' Italian restaurant.
The Pig Head.
Being behind 4 men who had their pants down (don't worry... mine weren't)
Elky getting teabagged... and his revenge.
Pete, enough said.

Really, though, most of all... just the whole time and everybody there, It is just a totally incredible time.
Trapps laying down next to his car yelling "HELP ME!!"
All of us running over.. "what's wrong what do you need?"
Trapps: "I need my Ipod and the Jug" :laugh:
Elky explaining and demonstrating to us what Kimwipes are for; "These are for Kim - she has a dripping problem". LMFAOPIP

Tom (warmonger) wheel-hopping Joey's car so bad that the Defroster vent came off the dash and flew onto his lap, at the strip.

Brent (livinsvt) explaining his 3 years of wrencing on his SVT.

Ordering BK through the drive-through at 1:30am, on foot, from a fah-laming gay dude, all while trying to stop Tim, Tom and Todd (the 3 amigos)from blatantly ripping on him, so I didn't get any unwanted "special" sauce on my Whopper.

Using my manifold as a bain-marie to heat up leftover pizza and wing-dings.

69 Boss severely tricking me into thinking that the hotel lady was after me personally for peeling out of the car park.
Brent (livinsvt) explaining his 3 years of wrencing on his SVT.

I guess I told this story to you more than once, lol. I don't even remeber that. I was told the next morning. Mojo's and Keg beer work wonders :laugh:
Using my manifold as a bain-marie to heat up leftover pizza and wing-dings.

69 Boss severely tricking me into thinking that the hotel lady was after me personally for peeling out of the car park.

i wanted a ride in that car and you disappeared!!

btw the hotel lady wasn't after you, but she was complaining about the burnouts. We were sitting there drinking on friday and she came out and was like "last night someone kept racing around the parking lot and we can't have that we have kids here"

Props to Mike (69boss302) for calming down the hotel staff when things were getting out of hand on saturday though.
MFing green Mojo FTW!!!! My heart hates me but it was awesome tasting. No wonder it's illegal in the lower 48. And how could I forget the lovely Luca and her husband bringing other ppl and I Yuengling from PA. Soooooo good. I blame the Y for anything I may have done wrong at the banquet. LOL!
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MFing green Mojo FTW!!!! My heart hates me but it was awesome tasting. No wonder it's illegal in the lower 48. And how could I forget the lovely Luca and her husband bring other ppl and I Yuengling from PA. Soooooo good. I blame the Y for anything I may have done wrong at the banquet. LOL!

That explains why you called my freind Micheal Mory at the banquet :help: , fyi his name is Mark Maurin,lol.