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You might be a CEG'er if....

This thread got alot longer than I thought it would! We need to sift through these and get the "top 10 reasons you know you own a contour" Tee Shirts made up! I will buy some. :)

10. You got into a car accident because you couldnt see over your dash warp.
Yes, my nice car and my beater are both Contours. :crazy:

same here :laugh:

Same goes for me. :)

You might be a CEG'er if....

You smell something driving down the road and you think "is that my car or the FORD in front of me "...

In my case it was my car. It was shortly after I had the headers installed. I was sitting at a red light and thought "someone's car sure stinks", then I realized it was mine and started laughing.
After a meet I had a fellow CEG'er follow me home. We arrived at my house and he said "it's nice to follow someone who's car smells like mine" (he has headers too). LOL!
Same goes for me. :)

In my case it was my car. It was shortly after I had the headers installed. I was sitting at a red light and thought "someone's car sure stinks", then I realized it was mine and started laughing.
After a meet I had a fellow CEG'er follow me home. We arrived at my house and he said "it's nice to follow someone who's car smells like mine" (he has headers too). LOL!
thats soooo true. letting my car warm up the other night my cousin is walks up the driveway and says "that car sounds so nice" "but why does it smell so bad?"
i've got headers too:laugh:
In my case it was my car. It was shortly after I had the headers installed. I was sitting at a red light and thought "someone's car sure stinks", then I realized it was mine and started laughing.
After a meet I had a fellow CEG'er follow me home. We arrived at my house and he said "it's nice to follow someone who's car smells like mine" (he has headers too). LOL!

thats soooo true. letting my car warm up the other night my cousin is walks up the driveway and says "that car sounds so nice" "but why does it smell so bad?"
i've got headers too:laugh:
Awww.....I'm about to throw my headers on in a few days once I get home. You mean I'm gonna be stinky now?
This thread got alot longer than I thought it would! We need to sift through these and get the "top 10 reasons you know you own a contour" Tee Shirts made up! I will buy some. :)

Excellent idea! However, it would taker several threads as the poll option has a 10 place limit...
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Excellent idea! However, it would taker several threads as the poll option has a 10 place limit...

We just need someone to come up with the top ten and we'll all go along with it. I don't know how well a poll would work if we can't even put all the options and choices down at the same time in the same thread?!?!? :shrug:
You might be a CEG'er if:

***You've ever gotten drunk with with some guy called Timmay.
***You will buy a tee shirt that absolutely no one else will understand except a bunch of people that you probably haven't even met.
***You know what's in the JUGG.
***You've drank out of the JUGG.
***You've ever joined MEG so you couold browse in the classified section for euro spec parts.
***You just know you can make those UK Morettes fit.
***You still have cash put away for the U.S. versions to be released.
***You've waited 7+ months for a car part to get shipped that you honestly didn't NEED.
***You seriously have panic attacks when contour dot org is down for longer than three hours.
***You have witnessed at least one format change to the site.
***You have been e-yelled at for not searching.
***You have e-yelled at some one else for not searching two days later.
***You Capitalize The First Letter Of Every Word. :)ponder: )
***You laugh at your friends who are having a hard time changing the alternator on their Honda.
***You realize you don't have enough 3/8" extensions to change yours.
***You can swap a motor in a Contour in less than five hours.
***Your last alternator swap took the same amount of time.
***You know who Robert Knauber is.
***You have friends on other car forums "Knauberizing" their cars.
***You've seen Ricks Silver Frost contour.
***Every two days there is another reason in the classifieds for you to sell something you need out of your living room.
***You know how much Suneil got for his Turbo SVT.
***You know that Mobile 1 is good for around 7K miles before changing.
***You still change it every 2900 miles.
***You can explain to a mechanis why the 2.5 motor was killed off by Ford in favor of the 3L.
***You know what an oil drainback hole is and why Contours needed better ones.
***You know what a Noble M400 is.
***You laugh when you show your friends videos of its capabilities on youtube.
***You laugh harder when you tell them it has a 6 cylinder Ford powerplant.
***And harder still that it can be had for around 100K.
***You own one of the only TWO Pink SZ shirts in existence.

more to come later......
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thats a good list. i remember when you first joined and every thread you posted in turned into a
match b/c of how you typed.

***You Capitalize The First Letter Of Every Word. :)ponder: )
You might be a CEG'er if:

***You know who Eric Knauber is.

I don't know who Eric Knauber is but...
Robert Knauber was the first CEGer to remove his door ding guards. He started the whole Knauberizing thing.
He's a Capital CEG member.
Pale Horse,
I consider myself a decent enthusiast, but out of your entire list I qualify for just two of the points...... :confused: