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Yes, since I have one now...

Psssh, don't flatter yourselves!

I'm only going because Allen is hiding his secret map to the group of "Not All Women."
We know, don't worry.

I bet he does have a secret map. ;)
Why are you still online Andrew? Staying home from school today?

haha, nooo i'm at school :laugh: :laugh: i have 3 free periods through out the day, and i get on the computers on each of em. hopefully i wouln't get caught tho because thats an AUP violation :)
Let's hope you don't get caught.
You're learning about automotive work, yeah, that's it. It was educational. :shrug: :laugh:
i do the same but cannt ever remember the password so i never get on and its fun getting home and having to read 3 pages worth of posts to get back on the game
Ian, you don't have to read anything. Just figure it's either about Paul with little boys, Allen with little girls, Paul hurting us, me being stupid, or something else that's completel irrelevant.
i ment all those posts luca hoes up haha theres alot of posts that i have to reread when i get home right now im running in safe mode and it sucks!!!!!

stupid microsoft.
Ian, you don't have to read anything. Just figure it's either about Paul with busty women, Allen with little asian boys, Paul hurting us, me being stupid, or something else that's completely irrelevant.

Good summary, but I made some corrections...:)
Ian, you don't have to read anything. Just figure it's either about Paul with middle-aged bald guys , Allen with Jessica Simpson , Glenn messing-up his bed dreaming of asian broads shaving italian girls , Christine tweeking when she can't be on CEG , Ian posting in mixed tongues & mumbo-jumbo , Scott taking advanced courses on spanking , Paul wishing he could hurt us, or something else that's completel irrelevant.

Good summary, but I made some corrections...:)

I made the PROPER corrections , Paul ...

All in good fun , folks !
Great summaries.
Glenn made me upgrade my Foxfire so it has the automatic spell checker. :)
That's why all of his words are correct.