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Update from Lehighton


Mod/Salad Tosser
Feb 7, 2005
Eastern PA
Hey guys I've been insanely busy. My current standings on my projects kinda went to a screeching hault at midterms, but here's my status:

Suspension clunk pinned down to ebrake cable rubbuing tire weight. Wheel spacers on route to the house! ~6.3mm offset (1/4").

Suspension is holding good! except for clunk...

I still need new tires and I am still saving money for rims/tires...

My eyebrows haveing gotten farther then bondo work. There are few a few spots to smooth on on one and the other is still in desperate need of sanding after the last layer of bondo.

The gauge pad is just like the eyebrow, desperate need of sanding.

My friend bought me the upper intake manifold gaskets for my birthday and I plan on putting on my manifold I "ported" and painted.

I also painted my fender when the paint was flaking off in the wheel well. Its needs some more buffing, but looks alright.

So thats my update I'm hoping things will settle down, but they probably won't. *sighs*
There is always something that needs to be done, seems to be never ending. ;)
Still, looks like you made good progress.
Can't wait to see your projects when they are finished. Hope the "clunking" issue gets resolved.

When you get some free time we should make another junkyard run.
Wheel Spacers came in late today. I have them in my possession but need to wait until tomorrow afternoon to put them on.

:nonono: Garage is still not usuabl so I have to jack the car up outside to put the spacers on.

Spent some time tonight sanding bondo. Looks like i'm gonna need another round. Maybe doing that tomorrow afternoon as well.

But I have geography to study and statics homework to get done. So we'll see where it goes.
Someone just kick the jack stand out from under the car...

I went to put the spacers on and heres the story:

1) spacers are a little too large for me to leave on and feel safe. The lug bolts are alot shorter then I thought. So I tried, but maybe I'll need them if I ever stop spending money on repairs and can buy rims.

2) The wheel bearing is diffinately near ****sville. I've had the car up multiple times since I did the supension and never had the wheel thud while it was spinning until today. So guess the suspension is going to be torn apart again...and more money is going to be spent on repairs...again...

I'm considering just taking it to a garage to have them do the bearing because I don't have the time to freakin waste. I'll let them handle tear down and rebuild.

:sad: *sigh*
Maybe it is a good idea for a shop to do the bearing. It will save you the headache.
Keep us posted.
I would take it to a shop for the bearing as well, I didn't even wanna mess with it so I took it to someone else, and it ended up taking him (a Ford mechanic of 41 years mind you) almost 3 hours because of the hassle of all the parts that were stuck from years of not being moved. I don't like shops, but it's worth the extra money IMO for wheel bearings.
Fun fun as always!

My car was dropped off at a local shop to get the bearing done. They said they drove it and had it up on the lift and they found nothing wrong with the bearing!

I want to know how! I had it up in the air the tire clunked while spinning! And I drove it to work this morning and the clunk was still there!


But I did take the time to wash it today and wax a few areas.
Don't ya know, that's they way it always is... you take it to the dealership and the noise doesn't happen. :crazy:
Try again and hopefully they will hear it.

Gave her a bath too? Nice. :)
Just my update. I know I didn't get pictures up, but I got a coat of primer on the eyelids. there are some rough spots (little air pockets :mad:) to work out, but they are so small you can't see them and they'll probably just fill with paint. lol

Big news is I got a set of these put on the fronts! No more slicks!!!



Oh yeah, they're a beast. 205/60 R15 for the curious. And I left the all seasons on the rear. Haven't driven it yet, but I'm sure it will be quick different from my rounded corner half bald all seasons! (Luca knows what I'm talking about :laugh:)
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New tires. :cool: Yours were in need of replacement.

I found these yesterday:


And your favorite:


Post some shots of the eyelids when you get a chance.
I think I need some good tires for the front this winter. My current tires are fairly bad in the rain. On a wet incline I have a good amount of wheel spin when starting off due to my lack of tread.
You really should install snows like that on ALL 4 wheels . They could be quite dangerous just on the front when braking or cornering . The front will grip extremely well & the back could "step out" and cause serious "issues" . Most places won't even sell them by the pair ...
Yeah, +1 to that, when I had my Tempo I accidently burned my front tires to almost nothing (stuck nose first in a snow bank halfway in a road alone, could only put it in reverse and gas it, unfortunate, but only way I was getting out) so I just rotated the tires so the tread on the front was brand new and the rears were almost bald, then driving down a highway road (not typical highway, rural one haha) doing 20MPH in a snowstorm, my rear tires broke loose with no warning and I was sent into an excruciatingly slow spin that ended with me back-end in a ditch on the other side of the road, yeah, no good, get all 4!
It is true Scott. You really should look into two more tires.
We want you to be safe.
Hell I drove my first winter with bad fronts! And last winter I had the all-seasons on (the front still had tread) and the ass end still would let out if I let the car go. I'm use to keeping the car under control and not letting this happen! Plus having a full functional suspension should help alot with the ass end letting out. Last winter my car still had alot of body roll which is dissappeared at lower speeds.

But these tires have some serious freakin grip! I'm pulling up the new rock in my driveway! lol
So here are the some current pics:

Washing last week (???)




oR ShOulD i SaY "Wii"

That was yesterdays adventure afterwork...Its on ebay if you want it! lol (Don't worry we got two, I was a total sellout! But it might just pay for part of the one we're keeping!)

Sorry Luca I transferred the pictures of the eyebrows and deleted them off the camera, only to find out that they never finished transferring (****ing XP) and the whole folder was deleted. I also lost some real nice down the side shots of the car after being washed. But this is of course because my digi camera is MIA and I had to use my parents camera, its a "higher" HP model then mine, but it is a complete POS. Go figure!

Oh and I didn't get any shots of my new tires because I have no daylight time to get them...I got called into work because some screw off called in "sick". It was a great way to start the day after working 6 hours and then standing in line for 12 more! But oh well. So thats my update.

The current concern is that noise in my rear suspension that is supposedly "not a wheel bearing" and my over heated temp gauge :blackeye: But finals are coming and I don't have time to fix either. :sad:

I can't wait for christmas! (you know it will basically be my first "day off" since i got my wisdom teeth pulled in August...