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Snow In Texas


Feb 14, 2008
Snow in Texas what you think about that, went out side tonight and there was snow on the windshield and on top the house, cars. To bad it's not sticking to the ground. I would get some pics but it's to dark to get a good picture.
My digital camera is at work but here's a cell phone photo. Still snowing here in Humble. I wish it would stick to the roads instead of melting. I haven't had fun driving in the snow for years.

Yep, snow on the ground here in League City, TX. maybe an inch or two. It looks great! Reminds me of my younger snow days. It is exactly 2 weeks short of four years ago when we had the Christmas Eve snowfall. I am loving it.
It accumulated all over the ground here in Humble near the mall.. the ROADS never stuck but all the soil and trees were covered enough that you couldn't see a blade of grass before this morning. Sadly, it melted off by 8:00am with all but the smallest patches remaining.

We slid down the hills, had snowball fights and made snowmen last night with my little girl. Priceless.
I get a lot of mornings like that living right off the lake. Thankfully the car is parked at work so I dont have to scrape and swipe it off first thing.
Snow in Texas is nothing new. Now, snow in SOUTH Texas, well that's something else. They got snow all over in S. LA too, all the way up to Baton Rouge. Not that I'd know by seeing it. I'm currently STUCK offshore because the weather is too bad for boats or helicopters. :cry: I'll be lucky to make it back to land by Saturday. *sigh*
jealous of all you guys! :) We're getting nothing but sheets of ice and freezing rain from this storm. I don't even want to think of chiseling out the car tomorrow morning :help:
Got to like South Texas weather. Snow/sleet/freezing temps......36 hours later we are in the mid 60's and sunny. Think I saw where it is supposed to be upper 70's by Sunday. LOL!

went for a ride on my bike this morning before the sun came out strong, brrr!
after one hour got so warm I had to stop and open all the air vents on my leather jacket and remove my heavy gloves.

Question? when was the last time it snowed as much as that in Houston/South Texas? I know it snowed about 4 years ago like someone said, but was told by others that didn't even stick to ground then. This was a real snow, flurries for 8 hours+ and about two inches stayed on the ground (but not roads) for 12 hours.
It was awesome to see to snow in Houston last week. When someone at work told me it was snowing, I didn't believe it until I looked out the window. I played with the snow and I took some video of it. The next day or two it was actually kinda warm.
Yes it was nice to see snow in Houston, to bad it wased on Christmas day or at least last a couple days.Then the temperature went up in the seventies and now the fifty; you got to love South Texas weather.
Winter weather advisory for tonight and tomorrow in the hill country, again... haha.. Texas rules.