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I have the build info for all 11,445 SVT Contours including build/sold dates, selling dealer, SVT sequence number...I posted some of my ext/int color breakdown data on Wikipedia.

Send me the model year and last six of the VIN of your car for extra info.

How about this one: 98 - 181965

98 silver/mnb e0

last 6

148786 silver / mnb e0
150864 silver /mnb e0
I have updated it with most of the info posted here, If I have left something out (haven't touched the un-id's yet) please bring it to my attention.

I have also added two new pages, one is for light sizes, and the other is for fuses and relays. You can get to these by scrolling over the FAQ link. Hope they help!

2011 SVT Contour Registry
Updated today, If I missed someone please bring it to my attention.

My apologies for those who have been waiting to see their info added, I am working a temp job while searching for something that is a little more stable.
Awesome will update it once I hear back from SVT. That is if the guy from SVT I sent the un-id'ed list of vins too doesn't kill me. Its only about 56 of them so I don't think he will care to much.... :D
1FALP68G1WK161098 red/mnb 98 fl cert of destrustion.

99 silfro/mnb 1FAFP68G7XK169298 build date 03/99 dead​
1FALP68G4WK152346 98 silver /mnb 177,668 miles rear ended. certificate of destruction.