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My "new" SVT


You have a couple of sweet cars there man. It's great to see Contour owners who buy the cars primarily because they want to own them over something else. It looks like you have the resources to own or buy something new or newer but you love the cars and so you stick with them. I realized that I want to have at least one of these cars for a very long time. I understand that not everyone can afford something new, and these are fun inexpensive cars now (for the most part) but in my experience after owning three of these cars, they always keep you coming back, no matter what your budget.
yeah that hits it pretty much in the head. Sure I could have gone out and leased something new, or gotten a loan to get a newer used car, was thinking Jag X-type for while. But in the end the Contour is a great all around car. I don't have to make any payments on it so its going to cost me gas and insurance. Plus with the low miles it will last and run for a very long time and to boot if I have any problems, knock on wood, I can fix them myself or fix them before they happen because I am already familiar with the car. And if I can't fix it CEG is here to help me figure it out.

So now that I don't have to worry about a car for a number of years I can focus more on saving for a home, etc ...