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Meet at BasketBall Hall of Fame, dinner at Max's Tavern?

btw, Ryan, the parkinglot security guard scolded us because of you! :p
He told us to tell our friends to keep the noise levels down and drive safer because there are children around the hotel and such.
Darn I wish I could have gone...Sounds like everyone had a good time :). But I guess my luck has turned. My coolant leak that had kept me from going isn't as bad as originally thought. It was just the heater hose. That's nothing compared to the head gasket or water pump :). Did you guys go to Cold Stone afterward? They have some of the best ice cream around.
I wanted to, but Elky was too full, and we really needed to be getting home.
We should have done ice cream before we had dinner, but we were talking too much.
oh you had to go and mention cold stone..
kim was alittle upset we didnt get to go.
as was i, but my bellah would not allow it!
hey now...we showered that morning...
then sat in a truck for a 90 minute drive..
then sat outside in a adirty parking lot for a bunch of hours..
then sat in the BBHoF parking lot for almost 2 hours....
etc etc...
yeh..i guess we did stink...
Hahaha, what a busy body that guy was. You could tell he was itching to say something the whole time we were out there.....Sorry that you haed to deal with that.
It was kinda funny because he waddled up to us and said "is this some kind of rally?" We were like "uhh, we're just waiting for some people to arrive so we can have dinner".
So then he goes into his rant about the hotel, and children in the area, and tell your friends to drive more carefully and with less noise.

Then after more people showed up, and Elky pulled out one of the fold out chairs to sit on, he comes over again asking if we were going to do a parkinglot bbq. Then he decides to stay and be our buddy by talking cars.
He was saying something about knowing people who are AMC Eagle enthusiasts.