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Lookin fer a jerb...


Addicted CEG'er
Mar 15, 2004
Waukesha, WI
Just throwing it out there if anyone has a line on a CAD/Mechanical design position. Looking to make a change and soon.
Wha, wha, why? I thought you had something good going on where you are..... I'll keep my ears peeled for ya
Am I the only CEGer in Wisconsin still employed? Josh, I think I'll just hire you on as my full-time mechanic. Pay is minimum wage, but the benefits are awesome ;)
My company is hiring, but you'd have to move to PA. Money is good and so is the available career progression... granted its a dirty job and by no means glamorous.

Shoot me a PM if you want to know more.
Am I the only CEGer in Wisconsin still employed?

Nope I'm still employed. I have the benefit that at least 1-2 other plant engineers want me to work for them. So, if I was to get fired they'd hire me :D Although my boss worries at times I'm gonna quit.....how many times do you have to tell a guy your stuck with me MOFO!????
I'm still employed and working 40 hrs/wk, sometimes more. In the process of buying a house right now.
I could work 6 days a week if i wanted, as much as i need the money more then ever, I'd rather be F'd trying to figure out how to pay the feds what I owe this year and see my daughter. Then have the cash to pay the feds and never see my daughter. Finally starting to relize money doesn't make the world go around.
Just throwing it out there if anyone has a line on a CAD/Mechanical design position. Looking to make a change and soon.

I need a Mechanical UG (Unigraphics) Designer for an automotive related company (make Diesel Engines) manufacturing company in Fort Wayne, IN 46803.

-3-5+ years experience min using UGNX rev:3 or 4.
-If you have the UG experience and (Powertrain AND cooling system experience) you will get hired.
-Long term 1-2+ year contract job opportunity.
-Pay (DOE) is $25 to $35 an hour plus a Per Diem, full benefits, paid time off, etc...
Lookin fer a jerb...

Me too. I need a jerb.

U can count me and my girl in too we both need work asap .
What kinda world do we live in sheesh.
I'm amazed that anyone needs to say this, but in any medium through which you might be seeking employment, it seems obvious to me that it would be vital to do your very best to come across as intelligent, diligent, and literate.

Including, in any such inquiries, a demonstration that you are either too stupid to spell simple, common words, such as “job” or “you”; or else to lazy to take the time and effort to write these words correctly, or just so damn sloppy that you don't care how stupid and lazy you look; is not going to make a very good impression on anyone who might be able to help you find employment.

If you really are that stupid, then don't bother; nobody is going to hire you anyway—not when there are plenty of other people, who possess at least normal levels of intelligence and literacy competing against you for the same jobs.

Otherwise, especially in job-hunting-related communications, please consider the value in taking the time and effort to write in a manner that communicates that you are intelligent enough to have written something that might be worth the effort of reading it.

When I see writing such as this, I usually don't bother to try to parse what the illiterate cretin who wrote it was actually trying to say; all I read out of it is “Hey, everyone! Look how stupid I am! Please mock me and make fun of me and treat me as the idiot that I obviously am.” Is this really the impression that you want to make an a potential employer, or on someone who might be able to steer you toward a potential employer?

And even if I grant the possibility that such a writer might have a useful degree of intelligence, that leaves me to presume that he is lazy and sloppy, and will do a crappy job just to save himself a tiny amount of effort. Do you think any employer wants an employee that will do a sloppy, crappy job, rather than put out a tiny amount of additional effort to do a good job?

Even in more casual sorts of communications, if what you have to say isn't worth your trouble to write it properly, then why should it be worth anyone else's trouble to try to read it? And in job-seeking communications, this is far more critical.

This sort of writing is symptomatic of the sort of person who, if I get teamed up with such a person to perform a particular task, I'll end up doing more work to cover for that other person's stupidity, incompetence, laziness, and sloppiness, than I would have to do if I were just to perform the task myself, without that other person's “help”.