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lighted sunroof switch mod


Apr 13, 2010
Louisville, KY
Anyone have any knowledge on the how to for this. I wanna do it but the how to archives still aren't working and I'm tired of looking at this extra switch on my desk.
you get a pre98 window switch and run a wire to a particular post. otherwise you can get a post 98 window switch and run a ground and a power feed. the pins are at opposite corners of the switch.

I'm pretty sure I have posted the pin diagrams for the switch. I know I have commented on it before.
Why pay for it when i can do it myself? But thanks. Im searching through for info right now but was hoping someone could cut down on the time it'll take I can even find it. Btw i have a post 98 switch i believe. I cant really remember which I popped it out of
maybe I have that backwards. iirc the post 98 switch gets either the power or ground for the light from the switch itself. the pre98 its seperate because that was part of the light group option.
brapple is correct about the side pins they just hold it into place.. A 98 up switch has four pins on top two on botom, a pre 98 switch has four pins on top three on bottom. I just went through this in my tour lol puttin leds in it and not working haha..