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Form factor ID for interior lights ?


Veteran CEG'er
Jul 27, 2012
Augusta, GA
I have been unable to locate the part# or form factor identity for the internal lights for the CSTV. When I pop my bulbs out, the part# is worn off and the repair manual I have does not quote any sort of form factor identity. Is there a list of which bulbs are which form factor ?


Mad Dog
En-lighten me, please

En-lighten me, please

I am looking for any and all internal light identities/form factors. If I understand correctly, there are the 2 types in the front overhead (2xmap, 1xgeneral). There are 2 footwell lights (guessing they are the same). The 2000 model does not appear to have under-door courtesy lights (I cant remember if it has a glovebox light...they decontented a lot for the 2000 model). So, by my guess 3 types of lights , all unknown part# or form factors. I dont even know the manufacturer.

However, thank you for the sylvania clue. I see that they have a part# identifier in the automotive section. This should tell me what I need.


Mad Dog