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Farewell CEG......HELP ME!

I think thats a cheap quote. At least out here in Cali. If you got busted for that they would tow your car on the spot and haul you in. The charges would go as $400 no seatbelt, then $1000 for wreckless driving and the speeding ticket would go by the mile over the limitat $85 a mile. So for doing 132 in a 65 thats 68 mph over the limit at roughly $85 a mile over, that would be $5780. For your crimes the total would come out to $7180 and if you're lucky you can have the privaledge of paying the court another $35 in processing fees to be allowed to take traffic school. But with your driving record I don't know if the judge would be so lienient. I hope they lock you up.

Actually, The court would NEVER charge such hanus amounts for such a petty crimes as what this Original poster may go thru.

My amounts are about spot on I can almost guarantee it.

How much a seatbelt ticket is in your State well, 400??? I never heard of such ridiclulous amounts. In MN its like 135.00 for a speed ticket.

Some states specifically state that anything OVER 100 MPH could be considered manslaughter.

What I don't get is A-holes in-front of you in the FAST lane, obstructing your path to freedom intentionally on the highway. THOSE people should get a ticket.

Take the plea, No same or similar, 12 month probation on your record, pay the astronomical fines. Be done with it.

Ya you'd be in the 1k range if oyu got a lawyer, lol.

Were talking about a speeding ticket here people. Not Rapage charges or theft charges or what-have-you. lol.....do you really need a lawyer representing you? I think any competent individual could hold their own in court anyday, in order to keep a couple extra bucks in thier wallet.

This is what you do:

1. Schedule a court date to speak with the county attorney. (city prosecutor)
2. Go to court on that day (no brainer)
3. Talk to the county attorney
4. Strike deal with the county attorney. (CA)

CA may drop the lane change charge if you agree to pay the fines and plead guilty.

But any deals you may recieve will be dependent on your past record.
If you done mess'd up your past, well, they usually stick you hard cause you have a past record, and they aren't too lenient on law breakers. But all in all its worth it. You can also get on a payment plan with the court too if you can't fork it all over all at once, but if you don't pay up......Bubba in jail will be looking for you cause now you have a warrant out for your arrest. And more fines will stack, so pay it off and slow it down.

Plead not guilty.....well...good luck to ya.
well, since i figure you're stupid enough to keep driving the car after you get your license suspended, i HIGHLY recommend you don't break ANY traffic rules in order to keep your dumb azz out of jail.