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Doubletree O'Hare ??

That was cool. Did you at least do any sight seeing while you were here?

Sight seeing? LOL!!! I saw a lot of tall buildings, a lot of pot holes, and a lot of complete ass clowns driving like they owned the streets! I honestly don't see what people see in big cities. It was SUNDAY, and the traffic jams were horrible! The only sight I enjoyed seeing, was Chicago in my rearview mirror. :crazy:

todras said:
Whatr the hell was he looking for?

He was used to his stock SVT that he bought new, and totalled at 130k miles. I probably would have thought the same thing, had I test driven my car over 8 million pot holes. I would have been pretty turned off by the harsh ride. Then again, I've been driving a Lincoln for a little while, and loving the smooth ride. I tried explaining that if Irvine, California has nice roads like Fort Wayne does, he'll probably enjoy the ride of the car with the Koni/Eibach setup. I suppose he was looking for a stock suspensioned, 3L SVT.:shrug:

Tell that b!tch I have stock SVT springs laying in my garage he can have for free. Stock SVT struts are $60 a piece for the fronts and like $70-80 ea. for the rear. Test driving in Chicago. WTF! I would have been pissed.
Tell that b!tch I have stock SVT springs laying in my garage he can have for free. Stock SVT struts are $60 a piece for the fronts and like $70-80 ea. for the rear. Test driving in Chicago. WTF! I would have been pissed.

I've been to Chicago probably 4-5 times in my life. I guess with all the hype to live in a big city, and having roads that hundreds of thousands of people drive on daily, the roads would be in 1/2 way decent shape. Boy was I wrong! It definitely made me miss the streets here in town! Oh well I guess. I've got a couple other people that are interested, so I'll keep this thread updated if anyone "shows me the money!"

Wow, I've got stock SVT struts with 50k I would have let go for next to nothing! Wow, what a waste of time. That guy obviously doesn't know what he's missing out on! :laugh: