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well, the wake went pretty good today...as good as wakes can get.
amazingly everybody held together pretty well.
tomorrow is going to be the rough day.
Mike, I'm very sorry for your loss. :( My best wishes to you.

I'm lucky enough to have all four grandparents still in my life and I don't know what I would do if I ever lost one of them.

I'm lucky enough to have all four grandparents still in my life and I don't know what I would do if I ever lost one of them.

Wow - you are so lucky. Count your graces. I never knew two of my grandparents. I lost the other two when I was just a wee lad, and have since lost both of my parents. P.S. - I'm only 42. :(

For those of you who know me well, this is probably part of the reason I'm so f&*%ed up. ;-)
Wow - you are so lucky. Count your graces. I never knew two of my grandparents. I lost the other two when I was just a wee lad, and have since lost both of my parents. P.S. - I'm only 42. :(

For those of you who know me well, this is probably part of the reason I'm so f&*%ed up. ;-)

I consider myself lucky as well for this reason. Three of my grandparents are still alive, my paternal grandfather I never knew. My maternal grandmother is in absolutely amazing health and does yard/gardenwork often. However, I'm not so lucky when it comes to my parents, as my father passed many years ago...
again, thanks for all the kind words.
as i thought, the funeral was the worst part.
i was doing ok until my uncles said some words about my grandfather.
i completely lost it when they played Taps at the cometary.
oh..and we only had 3 people cut thru the procession and only one guy almost sideswipe a limo, he missed by about 2".
he decided to squeeze between a car in the passing lane and the limo in front of me.
the limo was in the lane next to the passing lane (2 lane highway)
Having emotion proves you are still a man - better than having none. You're clearly proud of him and sounds like it will be easy to keep the good memories.
I'm so sorry Mike. :cry:

Your grandfather sounded like a wonderful man. Think of the many memories that you have of him, it will help you get through.

You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.

Sorry to hear about your loss. You'll certainly remain in my prayers. Loosing a loved one is never easy, no matter how old. I too lost my grandmother this past summer to ALS. It wasn't easy, but with loved ones you join together and remember the good times and their wonderful life, and how they helped shape who you are today.