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2007 Calendar Pics Submission Thread



Cool idea! Something like this would be good for something like the back or something like that, or a flip side of the back or cover. Or perhaps for Smarch, lousy weather then.
Here are a couple of pics:



Available in 3264x2448.

And I'd like to humbly resubmit my pics from last year, which didn't make it, and no longer make the minimum image resolution requirements...(they're 1600x1200) :cry: :laugh:



Damn looking at those wheels is driving my eyes nuts. It looked like at first you could see through the spokes :crazy:

Then I realized it was a reflection in the rim... crazyness.
Well, by sheer luck I was able to get the car cleaned up and looking good enough to get it somewhere for shots:

All available in 3008x2000px








Move to Michigan so I can buy those wheels already :laugh:

Dude seriously, Do you not realize how freaking close he lives to you?

HE LIVES CLOSER THEN SOME PARTS OF OHIO. I JUST drove up there last weekend and dropped off some wheels. Last month I dropped of some Sparcos. You arent smuggling cuban cigars, you're allowed to bring things back.
I really need to get out and take some good pics of my car. Markus took this a little while back, but it is kinda boring. Plus I have done many cool things to the car since then! Just thought I would post anyways. Also, does the calender use any vertical images? Or just landscape?

Where did my picture go!?!?!?!

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Scott, the pics look a little blurry... is that because of resizing or is that how they came out? i wonder if this weekend's weather would be good enough for pics... if i came back to the pittsburgh area, i could borrow my parent's new 9MP DSLR to get some pics of both our cars for submission... it'd be great to have a Tropic Green in the calendar.
Would PSing tire shine onto your car be considered "too much"? Merely curious. BTW, I like Lucky Number 7, RespecttheContour. Nice shots.
I think altering the appearance of your car, or the picture physically at all would not be in the spirit of the competition. I can understand a little lighting, or contrast adjustments, but physically adjusting the picture itself is where I would start looking at it differently.

This competition isn't about mods or trim levels, or money available. It is about the care given to a car, the thought put in to the shots and the time taken to make sure that said shot comes out "perfect".

If that means putting tire shine on the tire BEFORE the shot, then so be it. Taking a shot and PSing shine on to it makes it seem like you HAPPENED to take a photo and then said "Hey.. if I had shined up those tires it WOULD have been a great shot!"

Getting that perfect shot is NOT about holding the camera steady, or simply taking the picture..
The more effort and forthought that is placed in to the shot BEFORE clicking that button on top of the camera, the better the pictures will turn out. Think about what you will be seeing when you click that button and remedy the situation before you press it.

My .02, only, as always.