I think my tranny is fried, worked OK last week, but today I have no reverse, no OD, and it acts weird.
Looking on trader for another Styque right now.
Looking on trader for another Styque right now.
I would sell you my Stique but I would feel bad lol.
It's ok, I'm going to test drive a couple tomorrow.
Quick Q, did styque's come in MT? I always thought they were AT only.
It's ok, I'm going to test drive a couple tomorrow.
Quick Q, did styque's come in MT? I always thought they were AT only.
Ah, I thought all MTX Stiques were private conversions ( saw a total of 2 so far).
I looked at one today, but considering the price and the general condition of the car, it was not worth it.
The other one I looked at was ATX, but it was a Zetec. I prefer the Duratec , really, so I guess I have to keep looking.
Wish I didn't have a Stique before, the reason I am limiting myself to stiques is because I have my new headlights.
The lights for a Contour are like $60 or something from the dealer right now --I wouldn't limit myself because of that. You could E-Bay your Mystique lights (or sell them on the classifieds here) and come out ahead, or only be down a little bit.
Edit: My error, they are $98 a piece at Campbell Ford here in Ottawa. http://www.contour.org/ceg-vb/showthread.php?t=18873
What I meant, I don't want to lose the money I put into the Styque headlights...
LOL Hyundai, just jokin, I had one as rental too. http://www.contour.org/ceg-vb/images/smilies/ubb/laugh.gif
I had one last year as a rental, it wasn't to bad. I beat the hell out of it and it didn't flinch. :shrug: