• Welcome to the Contour Enthusiasts Group, the best resource for the Ford Contour and Mercury Mystique.

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Yes, since I have one now...

Looks good for both Ian and Glenn, neither are criminals.
Thanks for the edit job Dan. :)

You'll be fine with us Andrew.
yeah ive never been caught haha yeah i think im bringing 3 people up now haha plus my dad so its me my dad, my friend tyler and jason maybe and the kid who blew up his car haha
I figured as much.
lol gee thanks ian.. because i TRY and blow up cars and everything :laugh: You'll problaby find some more interesting nick names for me.. "back-flip-boy", "The brown kid", "Andy" etc, haha.

alright i got the OK to go from the parental unit, because i didn't know your dad was going, and well... that made it all ok now.
If the majority of you aren't bringing your 'Tours...then I'm not bringing mine.

...have fun at the meet!

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
You are making your dad drive a separate vehicle for a few parts? It will fit in your trunk, it's in pieces. I know the Ford emblem is pretty large, maybe you do need the van after all. :D

Why are you still online Andrew? Staying home from school today?
Be quiet. You'll be there because you like us.