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Tail of the Dragon/Skyway/Hellbender/Blue Ridge/Foothills

nope..its the tree of shame. its for everyone who wrecks. if ya wreck ya bike ya gotta put a peice of it on the tree.....ppl usually put there names/dates and bike on the peices.
ah ok, but i couldn't be entirely wrong cause i do see "RIP" up there a couple places.

I think there was a piece that looked like it was from some dudes wife, like she lost him there. ? Kinda weird. The dragon is cool, but if you're not going to all the places we went to, and more, you're missing out. N Georgia is just as good, which i've said before. 'Skeletor' agrees. :D
I was going to ask why bill looks like he's crying in the swimming pool pic, but then I realized I would too if you were standing in front of me w/ your shirt off.

Skeletor was my pace setter aka first to get popped if a cop showed up :)

Dude was awesome!
We went thru in June (MA to SC to KY back to MA), no LEOs we were flyin. Came thru at about 10am. We'll be reversing the trip starting this Saturday (MA to KY to SC back to MA). It's a pretty good workout in a Miata, I can't imagine doing it on a motorcycle. For us it was 2500mi over 7 days.

BTW, great pics!
nope didn't have time. they where closed every day we went past except the first one
One of the guys that ran the dragon at the same time we did.
