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Silverado: 1 | SVT: 0

i think the owner is cursed with downs syndrome. you'll see why

Or is just a plain dick head.

Ok, so nothing happened to the car! I just had it apart and thought it looked awfully funny. I got a good laugh out of it.

To put some of you at rest, here she is as of today with the help of Photoshop.
hey, it's not april no mo'!!

and omgZ there's so much rust!!! :rolleyes:

anyway, glad nothing bad happened. that pic with the sun would have come out sweet...stupid sun. you're gonna have to do a reshoot!
When your an *******, it's April Fools Day every day. :)

So since no one pointed it out the the rear shot of the car...she's badgeless.

I also painted the ****ty temporary tips on the pipes black to get rid of the weathered/dull look. ;)
I didn't think anyone would see that, but I atleast expected a "Hey...where's the exhaust tips?"

Which would have led to the "Oh I painted them."
