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should i dare try?

im actually changing the prototype molding material to a nice clay. taking an original fender and putting clay on it molding it to i want. im glad you chimed in becuase i was just going to try and if it turned out i had no idea how to make it. umm tomarrow im picking up the modeling clay and front fender. i have an idea on how to make it symetrical. i get alot of down time at school so this idea keeps me busy.

umm vaccum molding might be a bit hard i dunno about that? umm i would need to make both sides of the mold becuase it needs to be able to hang like the regular fender but be fiber glass so i dont know anything on how to do that.

update@#@#@#- got the fender and got some modeling clay. i went for a flare look for the first try. about 1-2 inches wider looks ook. need to wait till it drys then sand it. im trying to keep the flat part of the fender and all the same just wider. with clay i can keep shaping and shaping till i get what i want then it hardens and i can shape it out perfect. pictures maybe tomarrow
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That Im not sure about because we never used clay, make sure you get it exactly the shape you want, bondo should only be a finish layer. You could even put a a layer of fiberglass on it, the inside of the fender doesnt half to be nice, only the outside. Post some pics.
ahh tomarrow its at my grands house in the basement. now after its to what i want it to look like how do i go on making it? should i make a mold? or should i just fiberglass over it
ok ill post pictures tomarrow after school around say 6-7. let me know what you guys like about it and how i should change it. then ill grab a rear quarter panel and do the same.
Pictures Man

Pictures Man

here here boys





what do u guys think let me kno?
I think it would be MUCH easier for you to buy universal fender flares and modify them to fit or cut them into pieces and then fill in the areas to make them correct. If you dont get that arch angle correct its going to look really bad.

Hopefully you dont think I'm pissing on your parade but I think seeing as how I took a set of Eclipse fender flares and "widebodied" my Cougar with success I'm entitled to relay some pointers or easier methods.

This picture gives you an idea... we cut the pre-made flares at any point that the arch was incorrect, then hand made just the missing pieces and then went from there to make it flow properly.


I just feel like you are attempting this the very difficult way when there is a much faster and less labor intensive path. Granted I posted a picture that is at a prettier level of completion but it didnt take that much work to get it to that point.

here is the front fender after all the work was complete and in the booth -- that front flare was cut in about 8-10 pieces and then the missing areas were all individually "bridged" in.

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i like it and ur not raining on my parade. im glad everyone is chiming in. as in being quick and easy. nothing i do is ever that. i have the rest of the school year what i just did was done 4 days. not bad. getting everything good and people liking it is what im after. i also beleive it flares alittle to much and im working on it.
I think you shouldnt have posted pictures yet because all I see are the flaws... LOL

it looks like you took a pile of mash potatoes and went crazy Close Encounters style!!!!!!!