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My bad

I called you a stupid Newb and I'm sort of a big deal around here so get over it. If you would've bothered to look before you posted you would've notice a local classifieds post pinned at the top of this particular section. It even has rules posted for local classifieds. (imagine that!)


Wow, you are a little full of yourself aren't you. As a moderate I understand you need to enforce the guidelines, but personally I think you would want to be a little more understanding to new members to make them feel welcome. As I said I made a mistake, which is common for people new to a forum. I'm not used to the board layout here and I some how overlooked both the separate sale thread and the sub folders rules. My mistake and I apologize.
You're lucky this place is so forgiving so quit your crying.

You should be banned just for all your stupid posting to get to 50 just to post a for sale ad.

Maybe look around a little bit before you just jump in and post retarded crap.
Wow, you are a little full of yourself aren't you. As a moderate I understand you need to enforce the guidelines, but personally I think you would want to be a little more understanding to new members to make them feel welcome. As I said I made a mistake, which is common for people new to a forum. I'm not used to the board layout here and I some how overlooked both the separate sale thread and the sub folders rules. My mistake and I apologize.

I'm not a moderator, I have a higher rank then that.

Also, per EGL Classifieds Rules stickied at the top of this section:
5-Classifieds posts posted outside this thread are still subject to my wrath. (if you edit a classifieds post that I already have changed and locked you will be banned for a week, no exceptions)

You got off lightly with being called a stupid newb... Do a search, your ad could've ended up being for the sale of your disease ridden crackhead sister... seriously.

Ask anyone, you have to earn your welcome here in the EGL.
You're lucky this place is so forgiving so quit your crying.

You should be banned just for all your stupid posting to get to 50 just to post a for sale ad.

Maybe look around a little bit before you just jump in and post retarded crap.

Agreed-- However nice you made all of your posts... they were completely garbage and provided nothing to anyone.. (i.e- posting responses to pictures saying 'looks great, keep it up') -- There is a reason for the minimum posts to make your own classified, congrats. for finding the loop-hole