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bad news

Eh, it doesn't sound right if you use "obedience."

Obedience: the act of obeying; dutiful or submissive behavior with respect to another person

Disobedience:the trait of being unwilling to obey
It still doesn't sound right. The offense is "Obedience to traffic control devices."

With that wording, it's like I was obeying it...
update-no pictures yet. i can get them when i get the car out of impound. car is at home im at school so ha. talked to his insurance company and gave my statement. so my insurance isnt going to total it!! partially becuase they dont give a sheet. his insurance might cover it. well that is if he is even insured by them!!. the insurance company beleives that the kid isnt covered becuase the parents havent been paying for his insurance. so that means i would get nothing and have to repair it myself.

we are trying to get the car to my grandmothers so my dad and i can get the parts from harry's to fix it.

looks to only need a

e1 svt wheel
misc right side front suspension parts
driver side headlight(finally get new headlights and can do the projectors right)
driver side fender
repaint front bumper
repaint driver door.

heck repaint whole car.
heck repaint whole car.

'Attaboy. I just hope you don't get shafted on his possible lack of insurance. I had a co-worker who got hit while on his motorcycle by a girl who was UNINSURED, was under 18, and had nothing to sue for :nonono:. Needless to say he almost lost his leg, won't be able to walk the same ever again. Consequently, he currently can't work and is having difficulty making his house payments :(. I really hope you get what you need from their insurance company...It would be sad to see your great car out of commission...
ohh mine will be back on the road. asap. just would like the insurance money to help with it.

id like to get the whole car painted becuase the paint is starting to get those white strands(glenn you know what im talking about) and well a front bumper door a fender not having those white marks would make it look bad imo. so i rather shell out the money for a full repaint then to have a mismatch car.

that little bugger better pay up
got the car back yesterday. my dad already started work. said a-arm was bad and hes going to replace that first and give it a spin.

also got my license suspension letter today. i guess ill send mine in early since the car has to be worked on.

also think i might do alittle bit of modding before i get my license back.
1st: Very good idea, send the license in early. Might as well get it over with. Just double check that by sending it in before the actual suspension date that they will count the early start date. They should but it's always better to check.

2nd: Did the officer cite the driver of the other car for the accident?
Do you have confirmation from the insurance co. that this kid had no insurance?

If so, haul your butt to the police station pronto! Get the police report, well worth the $10 -20, and see what the report says. If there is no notation of this person not having insurance, find the cop that did the report!! You want to make him aware of this, it will work in your favor. If he already know about this, great. If not, he should make a "supplemental report" and add in this information and then issue citations as necessary (if he didn't already).

For some reason I can't see this cop not running the registration of the car that hit you. If it's true that there was a lapse in insurance then the registration is automatically suspended by PenDot. That alone should have netted him two citations, both of which will result in his license getting suspended.

Make sure to save all the receipts for the work you or your dad are doing to repair the car. You'll need these if he has no insurance when you take him to Magistrate Court for your damages. If he is a minor, you can sue his parents. AND, you can include the cost to file the suit in court.

Ian - any updates on the stuff Christine suggested ?? (i.e. did you get the police report and/or add a supplement , did the officer cite the kid , does he actually have/not have insurance , etc. ??)

It's good info , and believe me , will help you in the end ...
my mom is working on that. she said that he got cited for not having the insurance. so did his mother. the dead beat mom said she paid the insurance with a money order or sumthing. sounds really fishy. my mom says we will take them to court even if its just for the impound fees
Hey good to hear things are starting to work out. :cool:

I would think you are intitled to the time cost for collecting parts from the yard, and time putting the car back together. You're labor rate would not be that of a body shop, but your time is certainly worth something. That or go get a quote from a body shop of what they would have charged to fix it.