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Spring Zing !!!

We had never met Billdo before SZ05, but he was brave enough to join our caravan. The second we pulled up to the rest stop and saw him there, he was instantly our buddy. :)
Going alone only sucks for the long drive and you start falling asleep at the wheel. Other than that, you're guaranteed a good time.

Marty came alone from Oregon last year! He didn't have trouble joining right in. Everyone is pretty inviting as long as you make the first effort to introduce yourself.

Plus we like the youngin's at SZ. Fresh meat to pick on. hehe
There's always got to be a SZ scapegoat.

uh I mean, ignore that last comment.
You'll have fun. :)
my parents dont see me driving my car to michigan a good idea but maybe ill just leave haha.

That's why we like the caravan idea , especially on long trips like Spring Zing . If anyone has trouble , there's more heads/hands to figure out/fix a potential problem . We used 2-way radios in the past to chat between cars - kinda makes the time pass & feels more like you're all in one car :cool: .

If we caravan , I'll be shooting video again . Maybe our trip can finally make the Spring Zing video ? I dig in-car :cool: .
Your dad met most of us at the meet, tell him that we are going and we'll look out for you.
I'm still working on my plans, need to see if my in-laws will watch the dogs for me.
they dont think my car will make it plus i have school and graduation sumtime around then but ill try and go i might post pics tomarrow about the custom amp rack i made this week
Leave the car behind and copilot with someone. :)
Your parents might take some comfort in knowing you won't be driving alone.