Hey Guys,

I'm hoping you can help me out here. My 95 Contour was recently rearended, and since the Traction Control has been disabled (light comes on and stays on constantly).

I've searched around, but really found no troubleshooting guide to the Traction Control. Hopefully you can help me out.

I've tried pulling the codes on my OBDI, and all I got was emissions codes. Seems like the TC doesn't report codes to the OBDI.

Where do I start?

Also, I lost my 95 Ford Service CD, so if anyone has it and wouldn't mind looking this up for me, I'd greatly appreciate it.

Thanks in Advance,

- Zack WANTED: T-Red HEATED Side Mirrors FOR SALE: 4 14" Alum Alloys and Nearly New Avid H4s Tires w/ Center Caps 2000 T-Red SVT 1995 LX V6 MTX (RIP)