Well, today was a really nice day. Actually the first day in almost a week without rain. On top of that, work is slow, so I stayed home to get some parts in order and get some ready to send back.

So after I got done with all that, I decided to start working on a heatsheild. I know about using the trash can or mailbox even, but I wanted something a little different. I don't know why... I just did!

After I finally decided that it would be easier to make a prototype out of some scrap cardboard that I had laying around. So I got to work taking measurments and writing everything down. Soon, I had something that actually looked like a heatsheild, on paper anyway. After making some adjustments, this is what I ended up with...

To see all of them, check them out here.

I know that it's not perfect. I mean, it's cardboard for crying out loud!! I do plan on making at least one or two other prototypes, like this before I actually take a stab at making one in some other material.

Through all this though, I am still at odds over what I should actually build this out of. My first thoughts were of aluminium, that I could paint with a coating, but I remembered someone saying that aluminium conducted too much heat or too well. So then I got to thinking of plastic. Easy enough. I have plenty of that. Some pretty tough plastic too. What kind? I have no freaking idea!! Only problem I would have though is making that nice curve on the bottom firewall side of the sheild.

Yes! I searched. I even searched the archives. Everyone just seems to say, "Make your own!". And most of time, they are talking about the trash can method. Although I'm not knocking the trashcan method, I'm just wanting something a little more different and custom. Something I made. Plus... it's cheaper too!

So I pose the question... "What material would be best to make this heat sheild out of?"

Flame suit zipped tight and eyes close...

Phillip Jackson `98 Mystique LS 262K+ and counting... ATX rebuilt @ 151K "This storm has broken me, my only friend!" RIP Dime