Ok, today was the 4th time... I let my anger drive sometimes... and by that I mean I will floor the accelerator till I get upto speed limit (I know it gives bad gas milage too... but that roaring engine makes me feel better...) Anyway, today I am driving home, and this school bus was driving like [censored], so I passed it legally, but i gave it gas to do it quickly... I wanna say it was about 5,000 RPM (i dont have a Tach...) and it only happens when the engine is still cold... (freshly started)
And it wont restart for a few, (sounds like i have 2, 3 spark plugs unplugged to allow no compression...

Former owner of a 1995 Ford Contour GL w/ 2.0L ATX Proud owner of a 2005 Ford Taurus SE 3.0L V6 Vulcan --Looking for Commodore stuff (Drives, Units, Amiga, games, etc)If anyone has any of this laying around and wants it gone, lemme know --