as far as i see and and as the law sees it, chris and tony owned the company, therefore responsible for the companies actions (chris). Chris made a contract with andys, proven by the posts and the phone calls that they have answered, so therefore chris and tony are therefore responsible fot the orders. If chris makes a contract representing his company then tony (who is also "the company") is able to hand over the list and finish their side of the contract. Now tony can hand chris (from andys) the list because the contract was made between kaotic inovations and andys. If no one wants to comply with the andys-kaotic contracts then they are breaching ceg's contract between us and kaotic. Andys recognises that they need to supply us with our products. If noone does their part then out lawyers will do their parts. And yes that does mean that chris and tony will go down first. Tony this is your chance to get out of it, dont be stupid and ignore us. Either get them the list, or get chris to get the list to andys. Andys needs to understand that they will be held responsible also.