Nyceboi and i are working ot the finishing of the car...The bumpers are the first ones out along with the side.

As for the kits, there is talk about a lawsuit. I hope that you do not do that as we have already sent out four of the kits and are working on the list at large. If you want a refund then I will get one to you as I can allocate the money. Also no one has stated why this is taking so long. It is b/c I have not been at the shop. I do have personal problems and my family is my first priority. I can not stop you from sueing but if you do then I am sorry. There have been those of you that stuck by my side and I will stick this through, but be fore warned if not given the a break here, I will not have any other choice than to shut down the business completely. I am just a body guy that wanted to start something. The business part is not my fortey. I am no scam artist. I will try to have all kits out by the end of next month. that is all I can say.

Also for my religion and hobbies they are mine, why do you got to bring it up.

Last edited by Crofty59; 01/18/04 05:13 AM.

I create Kaotic things cause i can.....;) Making it all look good one car at a time