Okay, I've searched and can find all kinds of stuff on the temp gauge sticking high, but nothing like what happened to me this morning. I was in 'slow and go' traffic because of an accident and, living in Florida, checked my 'Temp' gauge. It was somewhere near the "A", which is okay for a Zetec. Looked down sometime later and it was all the way over like the engine was cold soaked! As I picked up speed past the accident, it jumped up a little, and by the time I got to work (say 15 min) it was back where it should be.

Any thoughts? Bad sender? I read that there are two, one for the ECM and one for the Temp Gauge...

'97 Mercury Mystique GS (Not mine anymore...) Now running a Toyota Matrix XR Red, 16" wheels, Sunroof, VVT-i