Ok this is one of my least proud moments, but i was young and VERY stupid:

So me and a couple of buds are hangin out at my friends house and get totally trashed off some goooooood Puerto Rican Rum . But for some reason we find it cool to take my friends aunts car out at 4am and we were so piss drunk it wans't funny . I wasn't driving and the driver did seem to be a little less intoxicated than the rest. But we end up goin around town and on our way home, the driver decides to test the limits of this Grand AM. Well we must be doin 110 when i yell at him to slow down and he lets off the gas. But he decides to go again and floors it at a coasting 110mph . Well as soon as he hits the peddle i hear somthing "detach" itself from the bottom of the car . And then the car looses all power and we coast for a good ways untill comming to a stop on the side of the road. Well we get out to check everything, and I smell oil every where in our path. The car won't move and eventually the cops show up wondering why everything is like it is and makes my friend call his aunt and tell her we have her car. Cops drive us to the house, car is towed, and the cops never write down a SINGLE name because one of their wifes was friends with my friend's aunt. Well the next day we jack up the car to find the oil pan with a BIG hole in it and inside the pan we found variouse pieces of Grand Am block . But even after all that hell, i never got in trouble. hmmmmmmmm lucky i guess.

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