So an update:

Money donated, Thanks Lance!

Sorry to hear of Stazis 'hit.' Hope your neck/back is ok.

Cape Cod is great! Spent a week there on vacation.

I finally landed a new job - Director of Sales and Account Management at a smaller firm than where I was. It's been 9 months since I resigned. I'm looking forward to a paycheck.

My wife backed into my car. Again. This time a side-swipe of the passenger rear fender and door.

We're looking to trade in her Mazda MPV on a Volvo XC90.

Muskoka is great. Spent a week there too.

Congrats to Mr. Boner! I'm surprised no one has come up with a witty joke about blowing your bone! Like the difference between your boner and your bonus? Your wife will blow your bonus.

I got new shoes for my car:

Ryan, that bites. Good luck with whatever you decide on the car.

Say, when is the next SEMI meet?


Semper Fi "They've got us surrounded. Poor bastards." -Chesty