Don't know if you remember but I'm the guy who's Sony 680 couldn't get the radio to work right. The stereo kept going in and out. Well, sent the unit back to Crutchfield. Week later I get a call..."Ah, the radio you sent is no longer made. Ah, we don't have anymore to send you." even though they promised to hold onto one for me.
I said "You #$%#$#, mother#$%$#ing people #@#@ damn #@# #&(^& can't count %$%$ straight or keep a $#@$#$ promise. what the $#$%# are you ^&%$%$% going to $#$#@#^ do? I want my money back you $%#@! Please."

Believe it or not, I got the money back and with it I'm getting a more expensive Kenwood KDC-9015 from SBH Enterprises. Their prices are Fan#$^%#%^tastic! To the guy who keeps recomending SBH, sorry I don't remember your name...thank you.

2000 SVT
Black & Blue
#205 of 2150
Kenwood Head Unit

2001 SR5 4 Runner 4x4