I have Flushed the system and put in a new 180 tStat, but this did not work. The temp gage is climbing to the L and this is not good! Driving in the day it hits the L, but at night (when the sun goes down here in Yuma 111 degrees today (Hell) sometimes it hit 115 - 118, Arizona) it runs between the O and the R. Any help here would be appreciated! It is just too close to that upper end of the temp gage! All that heat cannot be good for the motor! Anyway I could use some advice.

Does anyone know what problems (if any) there would be if I took off the catalytic converter? Since it is sitting right in front of the motor this has to be contributing to the heat problem. Would taking it of cause other problems? Will the computer chip handle it or will it cause it to freak out?

Thanks for any help!

1998 Contour GL Tan, Vetec 2.0L DOHC, ATX